Web host being difficult?

12 Mar 2004
I have created a local database for a client and want to put information submitted into a website into it.

Unfortunately the web site is hosted elsewhere by possibly the worst host I've ever seen.

Currently form submissions are emailed the to the client and you get any random date formats etc.

I asked them to create a table and put all the data they receive into that, and give me an account with select permissions to access it so I can just select * and put it into the local database.

However they said they won't give me sql access as a "security" policy, are they being awkward here? I use a similar approach for websites I personally host.

What should be a trivial task is being made pretty difficult I must say.
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12 Mar 2004
Moving hosting was my first recommendation but the client who has been with them for years has unfortunately already been fleeced for the sum of £350 for the next 12 months hosting.

I'm now thinking of asking them to insert the data into a table on my webserver so I could then retrieve it remotely. I was just trying to find out if they are being awkward or if there is some actual security risk in allowing a specific ip address to connect to a database on their remote server with select permissions.

Because I have loads of mysql databases on my server that I allow authenticated limited remote access to without any issues.
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12 Mar 2004
Currently the form data isn't being put into a database, it is emailed to the client, presumably over an unsecured connection and is certainly not encrypted at the end point, there's no validation performed, and even the html form has no formatting in it, date of birth is a text field etc. Hence bad web developers.

I want this information to go into the clients local database, so I have asked the hosting provider to format and validate the data correctly and put it into a database table that I can connect to and select data from, that avoids remote connections to the clients db server that I've set up.

It's trivial for me to do that in a java program which executes on a regular basis and everything is already set up for that.

Dealing with .csv files is surely going to result in extra work in putting that into the local database?
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12 Mar 2004
So is the hosting provider the web developer in this scenario then? I'm struggling to work out how it's up to a web host to deal with the functionality of a site on their servers.

Yes, they are one of those generic web site creation companies that build and host websites.

There may be several reasons why they won't allow external access to their DB servers, if they are only intended to be accessed from their hosting platform then it makes sense. If there's a system in place keeping configurations in sync then making an exception for your IP might be more trouble than it's worth.
But then how do they expect businesses to get information into their own databases if they don't allow access to their db servers? Loads of arsing around writing programs to handle csv files?

By far the simplest method to get the form data into the local database would be to query theirs.

The client does want me to host the website in the future because of how awkward they feel the company has been on the phone with them in regards to other matters. Unfortunately it will be some time before that happens.
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12 Mar 2004
The email response was that it would be easiest for them to post me the data when the form was submitted, (I can only assume that he meant sending the form data to a web server operated by me!) or if that wasn't possible then making some kind of dynamic csv file available. Both of which seem like awful solutions.

Almost forgot about API's which is bad considering I'm working on one for another project lol. That would also be acceptable, however based on the response I can only assume there isn't one...
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