Websense and NTL

19 Apr 2003
Ive stuck a site on my NTL space and used the forwarding thing from 123reg to direct people to it.

The other day I tried to access it from a company using Websense and it blocked it. Theres nothing bad in any way on it.

Any ideas why ?

edit/ Never mind I found the likely answer. Because its sharing a IP address with other NTL users if ones blocked they are all blocked. Theres a bit on the Websense site called 'SUGGEST A URL CHANGE' by all accounts they will unblock you quickly once they are aware of the problem.

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Ive heard back from websense, theyre going to take me off whatever undesirable list I was on and put me in Business and Economy.

Is there a way to check if any of the other filtering services have blocked my site ?

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