Website banner

27 Mar 2004
I seriously need help on a banner i'm trying to design for an upcoming horse racing blog. I want the banner to look professional, modern and kind of abstract. I'm not having much luck as i've got almost zero graphic design skill.

The 3 photos i want to include in the image are as follows:-




I had a vision of the winning post in the middle with both horses on the left and the right looking in towards the winning post. As i said, the banner needs to be modern and possibly, if you can, abstract. Let your imagination run riot.

I'll put a credit on the finished site for you as well. ;)

Agent_matt said:
What kind of size are you looking for? Im pretty poor when it comes to graphics but I'll give it a go if I can :).

How about 740 x 120 pixels?

It's frustrating me knowing exactly what i want it to look like but being unable to do it. :)

If anyone has any links to excellent tutorials for this type of thing, they'd be very welcome.
mrdbristol said:
Any comments ?



Cheers for that effort.

It's a bit simplistic looking. I need something a bit more stylish and classy.

I feel bad for commenting on it when you've gone to the trouble to do it for me. :(

EYEREX said:
Think they look better coming from the left plus my post looks crap

I love the gold background but i think the images i posted actually take away from it. What would it look like without my images and a bit of sample text on it? I havn't yet come up with a title for my website so just try and put some sample text on there if you can.

I appreciate both your efforts! :)
EYEREX said:
Without other horses

I prefer the bottom, slightly lighter one.

I'm just worried about a colour scheme (was planning on a pale green background) for the website going with the banner. :confused:
EYEREX said:
In green plus if you want the photoshop file to play with the hue will send

That would be great. I can imagine the green one working well with what i have in mind. Can you send it to my MSN email address in my trust? I'll have a mess about with it when i get back home next week.

I also won't forget to put a credit for banner design to you on the site. :)

Also what font is it you've used on the green version?
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