Website, comment so far and improvement ideas!

27 Aug 2004

My mate has asked me to create him a website. Im not the best for creating websites and this is only my second proper site. Anyone got and ideas what i can do to improve it or to help make it look more professional.

Ive got very little PHP experience, hence most of it being HTML.

Any critisism very welcome, i need to know what im doing wrong.

Some of it i am planning on changing, when i get time the crappy flash buttons which are dreamweaver defaults will be made into rollover images and the text at the top is only where while i can do something with it. At the minute all the text is just what dreamweaver defaults to.

At the minute its just a basic template, i just wanted to get some views on it before spending the rest of the day on it.

Yeah, it is a small server hosting company that im creating the site for.
Thanks for the reply Beansprout :)

Ill certainly have a read of those links you gave me, thanks muchly for those :)

So far, the only reason that the site has no content is because my mate hasnt given me any yet :o Im going to get it off him wen he gets in from work at 4 and try to get as much there as possible. I do agree that you should do the content first, my problem is i dont have any as of yet.

Also, thanks for clearing HTML up for me, whilst ive been at college my lecturer always called it a programming language, but he was about as useful as a chocolate poker sometimes.

CSS is something ive never really had to deal with, so ill have a read through those links and have a go at using it :)
Trigger said:
Indeed because the PHP coding for the contact form is some I did for you for another site :p

Like the site design though :)

I was going to say that, but i couldnt remember who it was that coded it for me :( Got a memory like a sieve sometimes.

I only used it because i had it off my last site, i hope your OK with me using it again? If not ill take it off.
OK thanks :)

Yeah, gonna check out CSS coding and have a shot at it, but ill do it another day as ive been on solid since 1 so need a break :)

-Flash buttons replaced by rollovers
-Content added bar a few pages
-Had a play around with the headings, ariel seems to look the best. Changed colour on it also.

Im not creating the content for the order page, thats gonna be done by someone else as he wants an online order system.
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