Website Creation & Advertising

15 Jan 2011

If i where to make a website, and i wanted to have logo's of manufacturers like corsair, asus, asaka etc that you could click and it would take you to their website, Would i need to contact them to get permission to use their logo's and have them on my website?

Many Thanks:):):)
Pretty sure you still need to contact them to fully comply with copyright etc?

Doubt they'd have any issues with it, although they'll likely have guidelines over how to use their logos (so much padding, different versions depending on background colour of your page).

Plus they'll b able to give you a high res version. ;)
Doubt any of the companies you have listed will bat an eyelid at the use of their logos as long as you aren't using it to run them down :p

You could also add some text to the bottom of your site along the lines of "All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners"

Most companies will have a press kit/promotional link on their site with high-res logo's and product images with the necessary guidelines.
If your going to have their logos on the site you may as well start your own affiliate program. See if there are any relating to Corsair products. If your using their imaging, adapt it a little for your own banner and beging a CPC campaign.
Most manufacturers have PR departments who let you do this after a couple of questions then link you to a marketing website full of logos and branding. Alternatively bypass this, which depending on the stature of your site has its risks, and go to Brands of the world for scalable EPS of logos.
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