Website critique wanted

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19 Oct 2004
As some of you may remember I built my first website a while back but used NetObjects fusion which resulted in tables, etc.

I decided to have another stab at it with Dreamweaver and a bit of handcoding after reading some books on XHTML and CSS.

I would appreciate any comments you may have. Good or bad. This is my first real go at CSS, etc, so the code will be far from perfect. I would particulary like to know what it's like in IE since I have a mac now.

I've hit one problem already. It displays fine to me in Firefox but some things are slightly out of line in Safari. Anyone have any ideas on how to change this? It looked fine when I previewed it in Safari from Dreamweaver :confused:

Thanks in advance and thanks to everyone who has helped me so far.


edit: and i'm aware only the homepage works. I want to get this right before I build the whole thing lol.
looks nice enough

however to make you know in firefox the navigation is knackered the contact us button drops down to under the about us button.
Have a go at to see your site in different browsers, it's quite handy.

I like the clean look, which is good for any clinical site. The picture on the front is ok, but I would consider using a more happy face, preferably with good teeth showing (obviously nothing over the top, but don't forget what the site is about). I'm using IE7 and FF2, so not sure if the buttons are supposed to be as I'm seeing them, but I'd check it out because the difference between IE and FF is quite significant. The text has quite a lot of vertical spacing, which makes it look quite sparse so I would probably decrease that a little. The contrast in the "valid html" bit is very small as well. It may just be my monitor, but it's quite hard to see.

On a coding side, I wouldn't get into the habit of using empty divs just to hold pictures, use the <img> tag, that's what it's there for :) I think what a lot of people do when starting to use CSS rich designs is go a bit overboard, and for example, try and create a div/css table styles instead of using a table to display data. Same goes for blank divs to hold pictures. Use the tags as they are supposed to be used, otherwise you're falling into the same trap as using tables for layout.

Overall, good concept, just needs a little tidying with the buttons. Change the empty divs to images as they are supposed to be.

Hope this helps :)
Cheers theMAD2 and everyone for the comments.

This is what it looks like in Firefox for me and what it is supposed to look like:

If I posted the CSS would it help to explain why it doesn't look the same in all browsers?
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Made some adjustments and it should look ok in IE. It does to me in Firefox and Safari.

One problem. The valid html, css and copyright divs have gone strange. In Safari they are all on the one line and with normal spacing. Any ideas what could cause this?
I like the clean look. The Contact Us drops down a line in my firefox 2.0, but ok in IE. The Contact Us Button text is also left aligned, where as the others are centered.

I have the same problem with the copyright/validation text at the bottom being hard to read.
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