Website Design/Development companies in Nort East?

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
Can anyone recommend any Website design and development companies in the North East? After the last place made a mess of the new site, we need a good, reliable, and professional company which can make a fairly complex site with content management which will all conform to web accessability standards.
Does that still apply if I haven't mentioned a company name or website?
Yeah I can see the reasoning behind the rule - i.e. no one likes unsolicited advertising on a forum (or most places).

Can I suggest an official post where people can list their services - similar to the 'Host review' one.
I don't want this thread to break the rules, but;

You may not promote any website or business you have a financial or other interest in, or use the popularity of this community to help build one of your own.

The important word IMO is 'You'. Im not after peoples own companies etc. I'd just like some advice as to where to look for good, professional companies. Ive had a look on google, and the amount of rubbish so called webdesign companies listed is wasting my time. Is there any sort of website that lists award winning companies or some sort of certified companies? Ive found 2 places so far that look promising, but I doon't want to overlook anything.
The internet is flooded with 'web design companies' and as you've probably found, most of the ones Google turns up are naff.

Your best bet is a personal recommendation from someone along with examples of prior work. Unfortunately this will in all likelihood come from someone with a financial interest in the recommendation, unless its from a business that has recommended someone to you that they themselves have used in the past. The latter is how we get our work usually.
The reason for the 'no promotion' rule is simple - why should the owner of this site pay the bandwidth bill for you to avertise your wares on this forum?

You are welcome to recommend places you have used and found to be good - just don't advertise your own business, or a business owned by a close friend/relative/associate. Also, just for completeness, referral schemes are not allowed either.
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