website design feedback please

21 Aug 2004
I've finally got myself some 'proper' webspace with a domain name that's not given away free with an ISP. BTW Thanks to everyone on this forum that gave me some help with that.

Anyway, I'd like some feedback on the site layout. Ignore the fact most of the links don't work and I've only got two sample albums up. I'm more interested in the look at the moment before I start filling it with photos. The bit I'm least happy with at the moment is the front page. I'd kind of like to use it as some sort of short term blog to direct people to my newest photography but I'm really not happy with the way it looks at the moment.

I'm quite new to web programming and even newer to graphic design so please don't rip it to shreds :) . Thanks.

Nearly forgot to post the
I'm going to be the first here and say................

I like...........................a lot

a bit 'spacey' but as more content gets added then this will dissapear.

Good effort my friend
Perhaps make your header as text instead of an image? Better accessiblity, less loading, search engines like it etc.

It looks like Trebuchet MS, which will be fine for the web.
Gonna have to post my new site up soon i suppose.. let you beasts ravage my inability..

Damn nice photogallery and photos.

Dont like the grey background. Try a repeated patterned darker background so that your main block still sticks out. I reckon it would look a lot better.

The capitals are also less appealing on a personal level, along with the size of the text in the image. As iCraig says, maybe change it to normal text over the picture rather than in the image.
Thanks for the pointers. I'll have a look at changing the header. The only thing is I've extended the base of the P in the header to go down to the bottom of 'Photography'. I don't suppose this is possible with normal fonts is it?

The text on the picture was added in by the album generator but I can take it out. I don't really like it so I'll get rid of it I think.
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