Website help!

25 Sep 2003
I maintain a company website and have done for a while. Now, not too long ago they got a site revamp and i'm now looking after this one. It was agreed that when I took on the site it would be more maintenance and as i'm not that web savvy. That was fine they paid for me to change figures and do small design changes which were no big deal. They don't pay me much on the basis I'm no pro.

Unfortunately, I'm looking after more and more which is great in a way but also leaves me in the deep end. At the moment i'm trying to update some courses they run and it's handled by asp rather than html. I'm guessing there's a file somewhere that has the info which the html then pulls the data from it. the table is non existant in the html but pops up when run.

This is the code that's where the table magically appears!

<td valign="top" class="train_body_text" style="PADDING-TOP:2px">
																			<asp:PlaceHolder id="pldCourseList" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>

Can anyone give me any pointers on where I should start looking, I've looked everywhere I can think of. It's not a very small site either, doh. :(

There is a back end, an admin area where I am able to enter and delete new courses (I haven't played with that yet). However, looking through all the courses listed the ones that appear in the phantom table I can't see listed in the admin area. I'm wondering where they come from, personally I really thought they would be in the list but they're not... There is a database which i've opened but it doesn't make much sense to me. There's dates and other relevant info but it's all jumbled up. Perhaps there's a way of displaying it but that's more things to learn which might not help in the slightest. I can't see anything in the db that directly looks like the stuff in the phantom list either. aargh

Thanks for your suggestions, it helps that you have said that as I know to concentrate more on that area now. Any other ideas or pointers? :confused:
I think it's specifically written for the website, it doesn't have a themed log in, just standard html with a database attached as far as I can see. I'm going crazy trying to find this info, I've looked through just about every file on the site now! :mad:
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