Website, Logo & General Wordpress Help

17 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I'm currently trying to help a friend of mine out with his own business which is motorcycle repair and maintenance.
The problem is he's awesome at what he does but doesn't have a clue about the internet and websites!

I've set up a domain name and hosting (bought both through TSOHost).
Installed wordpress and used a logo we designed together but to be honest neither of us are graphic designers.

The simple solution is to pay someone money to design a logo and set a website up but the fact of the matter is he has literally just taken the leap of faith to go it alone so doesn't have ££££ to spend!

Any easy set up tips and constructive criticism welcome.

Site is obviously only a day old so there's next to nothing on there!

Thanks in advance.
17 Oct 2002
Have a look at themeforest or similar you can get some very well designed templates for under £10 just have to cut/paste/delete until your happy with it.

Maybe its just me but I don't see Wordpress as a buisness orientated site.

Some free ones here that don't look bad at all :)

Just check the liscencing make sure you're ok to use it in a commercial aspect.

Hi thanks for your suggestion some very nice templates on themeforest but we just want something simple at the moment!
My knowledge of html & css is very very basic!

Unless your friend is going to regularly update the site with content...posts, pictures, products etc, then I wouldn't use a CMS as it's unnecessary.

If he is, then you can't go wrong with WordPress. I've built huge ecommerce sites with WordPress, I'm building one at the moment. There's a massive difference between someone who knows how to customise a template, someone who knows how to build a template and someone who knows how to use WordPress as a CMS.

If not, a simple static HTML site will do.

Hi there I'm rubbish at both!
I can't seem to put anything where I want to! It's very frustrating!
I think whilst he says he plans to keep it updated I think realistically it will just be a landing page for customers to see what he's about rather than constantly updated.

Drop me a line in trustvif you wish, I will rustle up a couple of pages for you it won't look a million dollars but it'll be simple and free. :)

That's very kind of you, thank you.
What do you think of the page now? I've done what I can with it but I'm no good at these things!!
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