Website Resixing

19 Jul 2006
Hi guys,

quick question with a quick answer I hope :D

Im trying to setup my website to resize automatically to each userse resolution, and I managed to do this but I had a look at : as an example...and if u resize the page youll notice it resizes only until a certain point.

Im not sure if Ive explained myself properly but basically the website only resizes to the point where stuff is just about to overlap, then it no longer resizes..

how is this done?
on the overclockers site (this is what i presume as you wanted a quick answer) but the left and right column are fixed with and the middle 'content' column will be 100% width this means it will stretch/shrink depending on the resolution in use.
use max-width: in your css and set the width as a percentage that way it''ll try to suite the persons screen size but won't expand past the max width you set.
Or you can just set certain sections of the site as a % and the rest as a fixed value.
This is done with using percentage measurements. Such as:

#content {
  width: 80%;

That will make the example content DIV, fill 80% of the page, regardless of resolution.
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