website styling randomly not working - any ideas?

You need to give us a bit more on what the styling of the page is suppose to be. But i would be comparing dev to production/live site and seeing what isn't loading correctly or what CSS isn't applying correctly.
Have you checked in other browsers?
Made sure you haven't got ad-blocking enabled anywhere?
Did you compare dev to prod to see what styling isn't loading or is getting blocked (look at dev tools in your browser)?

Sounds like it's specific issue to you then if the page isn't styled at all. And yes, used a desktop browser (Vivaldi/Chromium), looks like -

(click to expand)
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thanks for screenshotting that. it appears to have resolved itself, though at the time i checked, it was on my mobile, and 3 different browsers on my pc, it was all the same issue, where it seems the stylesheet for the header, and other sections were just totally missing, must have been a server issue as without any input it's resolved.

Looking at the page source, I notice you have a script tag before the html tag. That's not correct, it should be moved to inside the <head></head> tags. Might cause problems I suppose?

You're also loading a lot of stylesheets for a single page, some from but some from Was down perhaps? Personally, I always favour relative references for local stylesheets as well, but I don't think that actually makes any difference to how they are loaded.
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