Website where you feed in bands you like, and it suggests others?

20 Nov 2004
I read somewhere a few days ago about a new website where, if you give it a list of your favourite artists, it will suggest alternative bands that you might enjoy listening to. Trouble is, I've forgotten the name of the site :rolleyes: Has anyone come across it recently and can tell me what site it is I am trying to remember?
As a guide with Music Plasma:

The closer in the web an artist is the more likely it is that you will like it as it is in the same style of music

The bigger the similarity in colour between two artists the more likely it is that you will like it. A band that is a the same colour may not neccessairly be the same style but those who search for X also often search for Y.


Edit: Not seen removed working before, seems like a nice idea with lots of advantages over MP but it doesn't seem like a quick solution like MP. :)
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Right I've tried removed but it's quite limited (it only allows you to play a few songs and about half of them will be by your initially chosen artist) *however* I have just discovered two new bands which I like :) so I'll definitely be going back to that site again

It appears that the plasma site however is so popular that it keeps falling over - I haven't managed to get it to load yet :(
No more mentions of the site I've had to remove please.

Make sure the sites you're listing cover copyrights and licences before posting.
if you're looking for new bands to try out, you might have more luck just making a post about it, and listing a few bands you like, the chances are a fair amount of people will share the same sort of taste anyway :)
You're right, I just read the small print on that website - shame, cos its rather good.

I'm now officially dissapointed with musicplasma though - apparently the way it draws the maps is entirely determined by the Amazon "you bought this, so you might like this" piece of rubbish, so I won't be using it again - I thought it was some smart, heuristic programme, but it's actually just built on Amazon tat. I feel cheated :(

Actually, you're probably right about getting (in a Bender voice) "humans" to give you advice on finding new bands - I find that the Wikipedia entries for most bands name check lots of similar artists, so it's quite a simple matter to find a free mp3 sample or two you can check out to see if they float your boat...
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