
15 Oct 2006
Not sure what sub forum to put this in, but anyway I want to practice building web sites. I know some, and I am learning, but want to practice designing, making more websites and getting used to all the different programs, scripts such as mysql, php etc, and in general putting together a website.

So I wanted to build a website on say a .com/.net or something around that domain so its like not a long link like or whatever. I have google'd and free hosting can be found on many websites, not the best like 100mb space etc but that doesn't really matter as im just throwing things up testing, trying etc. Pretty much based on games anyway. So even though the hosting can be found free, finding a suitable domain name is not, I have a domain name I'd take and it is free but you have to pay for it.

Probly find that ^ confusing, but does anyone know of a free domain name register under say .com/.net/.org or whatever so it would have if you get me? cheers.
i don't know any free ones but the cost is close to nothing any way, just sacrifice a pint or 2 down the pub or whatever to pay for it
Macabre said:
Not sure what sub forum to put this in, but anyway I want to practice building web sites. I know some, and I am learning, but want to practice designing, making more websites and getting used to all the different programs, scripts such as mysql, php etc, and in general putting together a website.

So I wanted to build a website on say a .com/.net or something around that domain so its like not a long link like or whatever. I have google'd and free hosting can be found on many websites, not the best like 100mb space etc but that doesn't really matter as im just throwing things up testing, trying etc. Pretty much based on games anyway. So even though the hosting can be found free, finding a suitable domain name is not, I have a domain name I'd take and it is free but you have to pay for it.

Probly find that ^ confusing, but does anyone know of a free domain name register under say .com/.net/.org or whatever so it would have if you get me? cheers.

They're only £5 a year :rolleyes:
I remember .be was free sometime last year? But I would imagine that 'deal' is long over.
But yeah, just get a they're mega cheap.
blitz2163 said:
i don't know any free ones but the cost is close to nothing any way, just sacrifice a pint or 2 down the pub or whatever to pay for it


However, since domain names can be bought for quite a cheap price yearly it sounds alright... I'll have a look into that hosting site, cheers.
Agreed, if you just want to practice building websites, it'll be much easier to do it all locally. Plus you'll get to learn about installing/configuring web servers (IIS/Apache into the bargain, which is always a handy skill to have as a web developer).
when I wanted to start web building I had the choice of doing it 100% or just messing around.

I chose the former. Got myself some cheap but good hostin (Vidahost) and then built a site for a mate - he didn't ask .. but it was good to build for a real purpose.

He was happy enough to take the site, and we bought a domain name .. and he' still got it now. Then he came back, saying he wanted another one, which he didn't mind paying for .. so I built that. And it's ballooned from there. And to be honest, I've got loads of work .. although most is in SEO, not so much webdesign.
I supposed if your just testing you could try tripod hosting for php or brinkster for asp, both free sites. Although im not sure if there are restrictions on what can be run exactly. Although, after a few weeks, id recommend tsohost.
If you say please perhaps I will give you a bit of space on my server to get you started :)

Domains don't cost a lot, you can get all the major TLD's for $8.88/Year at
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celliott said:
Domains don't cost a lot, you can get all the major TLD's for $8.88/Year at
i'm buying them on a whim lately, i've got a bunch i'll probably never even use. last night i got another from slowdaddy for two years.

don't see why some people seem to be allergic to getting a bit of hosting space and a cheap domain name or two! :p
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