Wedding coming up...need a DSLR

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
I got to do some shots for a Friend's wedding in 3 week's time so in need to get a camera probably next week in time for me to learn the controls and be familiar with it. It'll HAVE to be Canon as I already have Canon lenses, now I dunno if I should get a 30D, 400D or something older like a 10D (I would worry about the usage the shutter has done) ?

I know the 350D/400D is plastic-tastic and will probably regret it in like a day since I am used to the metal body of the EOS30, is the 30D similar to the EOS30 ?

What about a vertical grip? I love the vertical grip on the EOS30, is there one out yet for either 30D or 400D since they are both really new models. I am guessing the 550EX will be fully compatible too (except i know there isn't the White Balancing thingy)?

Last question, what is the best price at the moment for either camera? I only have a 50mm MKII and 28-105 MKII so may be the Kit Lens (althought pap) might come in handy.
arcamalpha said:
Why not rent one for a couple of weeks? It'll cost you 50 quid or so and you'll have the opportunity to take more time deciding on the model to buy long term.

I thought about that, no where local lease cameras, that site seems expensive

Eos 30D Digital Kit inc.battery daily £60.00 weekely £240.00.

I need it for 1 day but I wont be at home to recieve it that morning time to pick it up from anywhere and same with return so realistically I need 3 days hire, £ cost + Vat and insurance. Not really value for money when you could get a body for £700 for keep, then probably sell it for that much the week after.
Mr_Sukebe said:
Some thoughts:
- You might want to look at a dedicated flash. Built in units are generally not that great for bigger stuff, which you'll be probably working with.
Linked to that, would be worth getting a decent tripod.
- I get the impression that the 400 has seriously closed down the image quality benefit on the 30D, particularly with the use of most of the AF system from the 30D into the 400. So if you can stand how plastic the 400 is, it's definitely worth considering.
- The 400 does use the same grip as the 350, though it does push the price towards a 30D
- Haven't seen any real bargains on 20Ds, though there might be some s/h
- The only other potential option that might be worth considering is an older 1D. The price of these s/h is now not much above the cost of a new 30D, and do remember that these cost £5k when new. What you don't get is amazing battery life, built in flash (not a big loss), huge numbers of megapixels or great ability at high ISOs. Making up for it you get a unit that could happily be used as a mace if you're ever attacked, has the best AF available on any SLR (not really massively improved on with newer 1Ds), stunning frame rate and lots of great functionality.

I already have a 550EX with diffuser + a off-shoe sync cord, and also have a Manfrotto tripod so those bases are covered. I basically after just a body since I have a Canon set up already to go.
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