Wedding in Oxford from the weekend.

It's really interesting watching your style and skills grow, I really like the way you shoot weddings and I think I'm getting used to your processing style allthough I still think the grain is often a bit much. There is always a couple of pictures in your set's that I simply don't get but then life would be no fun if we all liked the same things!

All in all you've captured the story of what looks like a great day and I'm sure the couple will be delighted.
Love the composition of these. They are very well executed and no way would I ever have the gonads to do this.

However I really don't like the TS effect on some of the shots and why so much added grain at ISO100? To me some of it just looks like the ISO was too high rather than 'film' grain.

As long as the couple were happy though that's all that matters.
I actually really like this as a whole set, and a side point, really appreciate you posting the whole lot on here. It's a really interesting insight into what would normally make up a complete set, so to speak.

On the whole, I really love most of these, and don't find the noise to be too intrusive.

I'll go few the ones I have small issues with:
Nothing major - but groomsmen in the background bugs me. That said, it adds something to the shot as well.
I find foreground to be slightly distracting in this one, also, I think a stop or two for focus to get the groom in might have been better.
Again, focus, I don't like the fact that the top half of the image is out of focus. Feel it distracts a lot from the B/G, and with them being the size they are in the picture it's a bit :S I'd even go as far as you could make this an ultrawide shot, and crop the entire top half out...
I love this shot. Apart from the bus.
Not sure how much this one is necessary in the set, does it make sense in context? If so, that's fine though.

To be fair, these are really small issues, and on the whole that's a really solid set!

Not sure how much this one is necessary in the set, does it make sense in context? If so, that's fine though.

To be fair, these are really small issues, and on the whole that's a really solid set!


Thanks for the feedback kd. Just to follow up on this one, as I admit people probably won't get this without knowing the couple. The couple have recently got back from back packing across the world for x numer of years. If you read the guest book message, their friends describes them as free sprits. Those birds are supposed to represent that. Also yes, it does add a little context.
Thanks for the feedback kd. Just to follow up on this one, as I admit people probably won't get this without knowing the couple. The couple have recently got back from back packing across the world for x numer of years. If you read the guest book message, their friends describes them as free sprits. Those birds are supposed to represent that. Also yes, it does add a little context.

Ah, fair enough, I have seen, the more and more I look at wedding sets, or even plain shots to be fair, there tend to be a few anomalies like this, so it makes sense really :)

Very nice set, but are you... are you selling my black and white processing? :P Just messing with you, very nice photos individually and even more impressive in the context of being 1 of 100 shots.
I like it, good job Rhys.

Composition is nice, good selection of images. (still finding the added grain very ironic btw!) And some of the fake TS don't work for me even though I know what you are trying to do. You ever thought about getting a TS and try it for real?

Negative is that there is far too much for a blog, too many same shot of the same thing for a blog. Got a bit bored about half way through. You could cut it down by half and have the same if not stronger impact. How many did you post?

I see you've lowered the saturation on red Timson sign !
I like it, good job Rhys.

Composition is nice, good selection of images. (still finding the added grain very ironic btw!) And some of the fake TS don't work for me even though I know what you are trying to do. You ever thought about getting a TS and try it for real?
Yes I have thought of getting a TS, but I didn't really want to carry the extra weight. I'm on a diet at the minute, so if I lose a couple stone, I might reconsider.

Negative is that there is far too much for a blog, too many same shot of the same thing for a blog. Got a bit bored about half way through. You could cut it down by half and have the same if not stronger impact. How many did you post?
The whole lot. I'm having a bit of trouble with culling if I'm honest. I'll go through them later and see which ones won't be missed, or ones I just don't feel that strong about, but culling is definitely getting harder.

I see you've lowered the saturation on red Timson sign !

Trust you to notice that! :o :p
Yes I have thought of getting a TS, but I didn't really want to carry the extra weight. I'm on a diet at the minute, so if I lose a couple stone, I might reconsider.

The whole lot. I'm having a bit of trouble with culling if I'm honest. I'll go through them later and see which ones won't be missed, or ones I just don't feel that strong about, but culling is definitely getting harder.

Get the lens, extra weight to carry, more weight lost? :p Problem solved?

In one sense, not being able to cull is a bit of a pain. But on the other, it's a nice sign that the consistency of your shots is getting better :)

A very nice set- I think your style is certainly growing on me. I really enjoy looking through your threads

I think you have created a beautiful set of images and I'm sure they are thrilled with the results..

Thanks guy's :)

Get the lens, extra weight to carry, more weight lost? :p Problem solved?

In one sense, not being able to cull is a bit of a pain. But on the other, it's a nice sign that the consistency of your shots is getting better :)


Lol, I guess you have a point, although given how I like to cover as many angles as possible. I'm not sure I could manage more weight and do as much running around (literally running) that I usually do.
This wedding nearly killed me as it is. The next day my feet were sore (bruised from running/walking for 11Hrs), and I could barely move my legs. It's lucky processing images isn't strenuous, else the day would have been a write off. :D
Haha :p

Interesting question, seeing as the gf just asked as she saw me looking...

B/G preparations, did they both get prepared in the same hotel or did you have to run from one venue to another?

Haha :p

Interesting question, seeing as the gf just asked as she saw me looking...

B/G preparations, did they both get prepared in the same hotel or did you have to run from one venue to another?


No they both got married at the same hotel, just at different ends of the Hotel and different floors. Had to keep going back and forth numerous times.
I dont really like the shots where their in the shopping streets with people around them, just looks meh - not what I would want to have in my wedding album at all! the rest are great.

also they had their reception at the Jam Factory? The worst food ever!
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