Wedding photo check

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

I only shoot 4-8 weddings a year, work full time so just a weekend warrior but I've just shot the first of this year and i've culled / basic edited the photos and I always have a fear that they look ok on my monitor but they'll look rubbish on the clients. Doesn't help I have 2 brands of monitor that show the image differently.

Can you just have a look and tell if it looks ok, too dark or light?

basic editing so far, levels, WB etc.
Thanks for the feedback :) very much appreciated.

Just an FYI, the second photo isn't mine. I let the girl in the photo loose with my camera as she is interested in photography, its her photo, I'm just editing it :)

And the dust & hair slightly higher up his jacket was removed in the final edit. Along with all fire escape signs etc etc. :D
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