wedding shots!

3 Dec 2005
ok guys was my brothers wedding this wknd and i think i got some quite good shots. couldnt really afford to get him a wedding present but thought some of the shots enlarged on canvas might be nice.

think they need a little touching up in photoshop but not sure what to do with them. ill post the originals and a couple that ive done in ps and any comments and criticisms would be appreciated.

originals: -





attempts: -






as you can see all ive really done is mess about with the curves to add a bit of saturation and added some motion blur to the backgrounds too.

i really like the black and white one and the one when she is sticking her tongue out but i was struggling turning the photos from colour to black and white without them looking flat? any tips on how to change colour to really nice b&w shots in cs2?

these were all taken with a powershot a530.
thanks guys
have to say, I like your shots.
well, to be honest I don't have much of a clue of photoshop either...
If you ask me... the pic where she is showing the tongue. color the bunch of flowers only, otherwise it will always looks kind of artifial. That's what I would do!
Not sure if that is much of a help... :)
I prefer the originals to be honest; from my experience wedding couples don't go for over processed images.
They are very good attempts. I would suggest paying attention to the backgrounds as the clutter in all the photos takes something away from what would have otherwise been a clean photo.

In three of the photos, the couples have been cropped at the hips. Generally, pictures of people look better if they are not cropped on/near a joint.

In two of the photos, the dudes arm is half in/half out of the frame. There is absolutely nothing wrong with cropping into the subject, but when it's just a sliver on one side, it unbalances the image IMO.

Overall I think the best photo is the one with the tongue. It's a shame about the notice board in the background. Maybe you can remove it in Photoshop.
thanks for the comments guys, exactly the sort of thing i was hoping for . will have another bash at them later. cheers
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