Ok, a fair bit of advice actually...
I'm currently looking at buying a complete new system, well, monitors and computer (my old set up is getting moved to my girlfirend's).
I have my beady eye on the Overclockers pre built Toxicity system https://www.overclockers.co.uk/infi...700k-4.7ghz-ddr4-sli-gaming-pc-fs-467-oe.html
Is it worth getting something like that just now with the founders edition 1080's in or wait for aftermarket cards to be used? (I'd really prefer a single card but don't fancy waiting for a 1080ti)
I'm sure the correct thing would be to buy the individual parts and build myself but I'm already decided on pre built.
The other question was about monitors. I've done a fair bit of trolling over the last few days on whether to go 4k or 1440 144/165Hz and am still torn. Seem to be great arguments for both and unfortunately I play games that seem to be suited for both (Overwatch, Project cars, WoW, HoTS, BF4, D3, The Division).
Is it worth giving up the refresh rates for the shooters for 4k? I currently play on 144Hz 1080p (I realise that Overwatch doesn't support 1440 so is already a minus there)
Ideally I don't want to have to change anything for 3 years. My budget is around £5k to £5500 (with two monitors)
Apologies for the long post, appreciate any insight.
I'm currently looking at buying a complete new system, well, monitors and computer (my old set up is getting moved to my girlfirend's).
I have my beady eye on the Overclockers pre built Toxicity system https://www.overclockers.co.uk/infi...700k-4.7ghz-ddr4-sli-gaming-pc-fs-467-oe.html
Is it worth getting something like that just now with the founders edition 1080's in or wait for aftermarket cards to be used? (I'd really prefer a single card but don't fancy waiting for a 1080ti)
I'm sure the correct thing would be to buy the individual parts and build myself but I'm already decided on pre built.
The other question was about monitors. I've done a fair bit of trolling over the last few days on whether to go 4k or 1440 144/165Hz and am still torn. Seem to be great arguments for both and unfortunately I play games that seem to be suited for both (Overwatch, Project cars, WoW, HoTS, BF4, D3, The Division).
Is it worth giving up the refresh rates for the shooters for 4k? I currently play on 144Hz 1080p (I realise that Overwatch doesn't support 1440 so is already a minus there)
Ideally I don't want to have to change anything for 3 years. My budget is around £5k to £5500 (with two monitors)
Apologies for the long post, appreciate any insight.