

8 Aug 2007
Guild Wars 2 - PC @ £18.95 inc VAT


For generations, war and chaos raged across the land of Tyria. Five great races competed and warred against each other, struggling to tip the balance of power in their favor.

Then the dragons woke.

The all-powerful beasts stirred from their millennial sleep under earth and sea. With their magical breath the dragons spread destruction and created legions of twisted slaves. A deathless dragon named Zhaitan raised the sunken nation of Orr, triggering earthquakes and tidal waves that destroyed entire cities across the Sea of Sorrows.

Zhaitan's undead armies surged from the sea, hungry for the destruction of the five races of Tyria: the charr, a ferocious race of feline warriors; the asura, magical inventors of small size and great intellect; the norn, towering shapeshifters from the frigid northern lands; the sylvari, a mysterious young race of visionary plant folk; and the humans, an embattled but resilient people.

Now heroes from the five races must set aside ancient rivalries and stand together against their common enemies.

Magic, technology, and cold steel will determine the ultimate fate of the world.
Key Features

• Guild Wars 2 provides a massive, online persistent world.
• Free online play. No monthly fee.
• Players have the freedom to play together even if their friends are at a much higher (or lower) level
• Players will be able to engage in organized, balanced PvP (similar to GvG in the original Guild Wars) without needing to first level up characters, find equipment, or unlock skills.
• You will be able to advance your character to the maximum level without ever joining a group if you so desire.

Was £29.99 Inc. VAT

Only £18.95 inc VAT.

Whats this game like compared to world of warcraft?
I would say it's definitely worth the £19 price tag, and the game has no monthly subscription charge. You can play PVE (storymode plus open fields with quests and field bosses etc), or PVP in World vs World etc. However, spending some money on buying extra storage space would most likely be necessary eventually.

The game is quite CPU demanding though (particularly during the dynamice events and bosses with loads of players)...even with your overclocked i5, you will se frame rate dip to 25-30ish at times. The good thing is your 7950 would be able to max out this game at 1920 res no problem, even with SuperSampling enabled.

I haven't play the game for a few months, but planning on revisiting it once I upgraded my graphic card, so I would be able to use SuperSampling.

However I must agree with with systemerror above it doesn't seem to be as communicity driven. Most of the time you would feel more like it is a solo game when exploring maps and doing quests (except for the dynamic evens that occur which people jumping in). You'd kill field bosses with random people all the time, but the chances are you won't really get to know them. So basically best bet is to find a big guild to join, that way to you can arrange dungeon raid or doing exploration together etc.
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Used to play this a lot in beta and after the launch, but lack of indoor raids or any type of pve progression was a big nono for me. If you want it for a large scale pvp combat, it is your game.
And exploring the game map is quite fun, doing 'jump puzzles' and such.
Best to try and see for yourself :-)
Might be temped just bought full game but i know my girlfriend wants a copy.. hmm
The game would certainly be more enjoyable if you got a partner with you on PVE side of things. But make sure you two pick the same race, so you two won't start out half way across the world from each other :D

Human IMO is the best choice for 1st character...as it is easier to learn the ropes and get to know the games and its world settings.
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Def worth trying for less than £20, like others have mentioned, no subscriptions so you're not forced to play to feel like you've got your moneys worth.

Its changed a lot recently so anyone who hasn't played in a while should jump back in too. New gear tiers mean there is more progression in PvE, however its not required so you wont feel like your far behind anyone whos been playing since launch.
Its not a mob grind fest, you get EXP for exploring and doing quests and doing jumping puzzles etc. Its really casual too so you can do it at your own pace.

PvP is really easy to jump into, you can go in there and have access to all the gear/stats you need and be on the same level as everyone else.

World vs World vs World is considered by most as the end game content, its great fun jumping into battles where theres a few hundred people in a small space but the game really suffers from poor optimization so regardless of what sort of PC you have your going to feel like your on a 10 year old PC when large battle occur! D= (its still fun though, nothing like trying to defend a keep against 2 other servers who have 50-100 people each!)

Content updates happen every 2 weeks, which add new storylines and such which last until the next update, so for those who burn through content pretty fast theres always something new just around the corner!
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