weights advice (dumbells)

20 Oct 2002
i'm looking to 'bulk up' a bit. Not excessively, but just to increase my strength a bit i suppose. I guess you could say i'm fairly thin overall and i haven't exactly got big arms (particularly forearms actually).

Can anyone recommend some good dumbells for me to get started on, and what sort of lifting i should be doing with them? Before anyone asks, i honestly haven't got much time at the moment to be going to gyms and diong proper excercise routines etc :(

Also, if someone could point me in the direction of a good online retailer where i could buy...that'd be great! Thanks.
I agree with the Weights from Argos.

Quite a decent set to get started with... (I seem to recall that one set has two dumbells and a barbell along with 60kg of weights to add)
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