Weights / Fitness - Overcoming Joint Issues

11 Sep 2011
Reykjavik, Iceland
Anyone on here who works out ever had any problems with their joints?

I had some nasty injuries when I was young and consequently there are some annoying 'pops' (for want of a better destcription) on some of my joints when I do certain movements.

Doesn't affect me in day to day life - but during a workout it makes certain movements very uncomfortable.
My main question really would be whether these issues are likely to lessen when the muscles get stronger and take more of the workload and stress?

Or maybee it's recommended that a personal trainer might be able to advise me more on how to work around it?

New to working out so not really sure if they are worth seeing.

Any sort of sit up motion pops my shoulder, and it's especially bad when I say lift a kettlebell sideways at full armss length - to head height. The downward motion pops it everytime.

I suspect it could ease up if I push through it. I had very bad back pain when I started playing Squash but I can play 4 days in a row now for 2 hours at a time and have no lower back pain at all so part of my problem maybe just bad posture over the years and being generally weak havin never worked out at all - and I had a bad diet for many years.

Diet has been spot on for a year now so I felt ready to actually work out and improve my fitness to aid with my Squash and general day to day feeling.
I follow Fitness Blender on their site and on Youtube and really like their approach and attitude. I'm not trying to bulk up or get really strong. I going for just overall fitness and lean strength where I'm still primarily athletic and nimble. So good core strength will be important.

Maybe Yoga/Pilates type workouts can help me losen up over time too.

Just thought it could be good to discuss various points as many on here seem quite into it all so will nodoubt have some good tips
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A personal trainer would be a big gamble in terms of their usefulness here. A good sports physio would be great, particularly for your shoulder.

In general, good movement is fantastic for strengthening up your joints and making everything work properly. The issue is knowing what good movement is...

Have a read of the mobility thread, and pay particular attention to any mention of position or joint organisation.

Yoga may be useful to you, too.
I had to refrain from chinups because my left shoulder would pop when lowering to full extension.

I'm always careful when doing side raises etc as it's easy to over do it, whether with too much weight or too many reps.

Having said that, I make a point of trying to balance shoulder exercises with equal attention to front/side/rear shoulder muscles, and some stretching.

You could try looking at 'innies & outies' - a rotator cuff excercise - more of a movement than a strength exercise tbh, but that's a good thing. Might be something that works for you.
Thanks for the tips. I'll try these out and look through the thread in detail.

It's something that's been bugging me for a while but decided to sort myself out. Really enjoying my squash and want to get to the top of the local clubs. being fatigued halfway through a game does not help me develop my technique!!

So I have to get around the shoulder issue. Back isn't a problem and have tried a few ways to sort my ankle out which is getting better.

Too long of just accepting that these things will always be there instead of working out and helping myself.
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