Weird issue with Samsung Q80b, Netflix and stranger things.

31 Jul 2004
This is very odd.

In my kitchen I have a new Q80B TV, I was watching stranger things S4 on the Netflix app and it looks like it has motion smoothing etc on, looks like a camcorder/bad soap.

I messed with the settings, no joy (incidentally, sky/other apps all fine), my first job is always to turn that off.

Went into the living room, watched it on a frame TV and also fine.

So I figured maybe the TV was having a brain fart so I reset it.

Went back to stranger things, exactly the same. Tried something else on Netflix and it's fine??

Oddly if I put the TV in movie/filmmaker mode it's also fine.

Anyone got any ideas? Seems so weird that it's just stranger things lol!?
Ha ha yeah all up to date and yes I've tried to select all inputs, just that input, manual changes etc etc

Its like it's bloody mindedly deciding Netflix must have xyz setting.

I've tweaked movie maker mode instead but very odd
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