Weird noise when using dedicated gpu

The strangest part : no noise when running Furmark benchmark, im still confused why.
I will try to get a new charger
You can also try capping your frame rate. I know so game menus if uncapped can get silly frame rates into the 1000s of fps. You can setting vsync on to cap as a test. Let us know, how you get on
You can also try capping your frame rate. I know so game menus if uncapped can get silly frame rates into the 1000s of fps. You can setting vsync on to cap as a test. Let us know, how you get on.
This morning, i did a test, remove the charger , open the game, noise was lower for 2 sec. Disabled dedicate gpu, noise is gone.
Finally home, update : starting the game in silent mode asus profile , limited power, the whine dissappears . If i swich to performance, the whine is back.
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