Weird noise

18 Oct 2002
GF has a 1.1 cinnqucento sporting

its making a really weird kind of wailing noise somewhere between 2k and 4k rpm

it only does it in a very small rev range and does it in gear and also in neutral

it is coming from engine bay and is REALLY loud when the bonnet is open

but you can hear it clearly in the cabin when moving

Any ideas ?

Thanks James
That'll be the ferocious powerband of the engine kicking in.


No clues here. When you say 'wailing', do you think it could be a slack belt winding up on a pulley somewhere?
the sound is hard to describe as i have never heard it before

at first it sounded like alternator interference that you get with a ground loop on your car stereo but its nothing like that after about 2 seconds of listening to it
Get someone to rev it up while you stand in front with the bonnet open to pinpoint the origin of the noise. Suspects would be the alternator bearings, water pump bearings or possibly just a slipping drive belt. A small possibility is that you have a loose/cracked heatshield on the manifold or cat that is vibrating, but that's not usualy what I'd describe as a wailing noise.
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