Weird police activity today

19 Aug 2005
Beds, UK
Hi All

So i was driving north on the A1M this afternoon. From about welwyn/Stevenage area, two police cars came past lights flashing with a large silver van unmarked with blue lights in the grill.

It was car van car but they were all very close together. Especially considering they were going pretty quickly.

The odd thing was that they came off at the next junction, round the rounderbout and back on. By this time i was in front and the past me again. The police were gesturing to people to slow down, and the car at the back had a keep back sign in the rear windown.

They did this at the next 2 or 3 junctions. Really weird. Few other police cars about too.

In the end, i saw one police car stop at a slip road entering the A1 and block off the traffic.

If it wasnt for the van, i would have guessed they were looking for someone.

If it wasnt for the weird junction rounderbout behaviour, i would guess they were escorting the van which contained something serious.

Im now wondering if the van had blue lights on it afterall and perhaps they were trying to get him to stop, but i was sure at the time it had lights on it. Though it seems like the most logical explanation.

Any Police on here?
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