Weird Red Bull demonstration incident

lol, at first I thought it was a guy just wanting to run across like weirdo's like to run infront of trains, some fan or guy wanting to put a vid on youtube but then it looks like he was a member of staff?

Anyway, owned :p I wonder what that fairly thin edge of a wing would do to you at high speed, judging by how far it took him to stop he couldn't of been going that fast but I'm sure with a bit of bad luck you could get some bad injuries anyway.
Yep ^ Some mad priest or something. I think they didn't cover it after the event much, else it just aids whatever he was wanting to bring attention to.
Anyway, owned :p I wonder what that fairly thin edge of a wing would do to you at high speed, judging by how far it took him to stop he couldn't of been going that fast but I'm sure with a bit of bad luck you could get some bad injuries anyway.

There was a marshall many years ago whi got hit by an F1 car as he ran across a track to attend a crash. It cut him in 2 killing him . There is a video on YouTube but I shan't link to it as it is rather graphic but I'm sure you can find it if you want. The man in the above video is very lucky.
There was a marshall many years ago whi got hit by an F1 car as he ran across a track to attend a crash. It cut him in 2 killing him . There is a video on YouTube but I shan't link to it as it is rather graphic but I'm sure you can find it if you want. The man in the above video is very lucky.

I forget the name, but think he was running over with a fire extinguisher, which clouted the driver killing them both. Nasty.
Fire extinguisher hit the head of the driver, almost decapitating him, and the impact obliterated the Marshall.

Probably the most horrific of the f1 crashes I've seen.
I will never forget the picture printed in one publication after the Indycar accident which destroyed Alex Zanardi's legs; graphic wasn't the work. Bits of carbon fibre and flesh flying through the air in pin sharp detail.

I never understood what they were thinking printing that...
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