Weird Xonar D2X CD/MP3 Playback Issues

8 Dec 2005
Guys what do you make of this:

Just been listening to the Indiana Jones4 OST via MP3's + Headphones and there is a very low crackling sound which is intermittent but very noticeable to me.

Strange thing is that Blurays/HD-DVD's & Games all sound perfect with no issues whatsoever yet same setup same hardware I can hear these minor distortion sounds every now and again (Vista is slightly worse than XP but it is present on both). Tried a few other CD's and it is also present on them. I try the same material on my other PC and it is not there at all (it has an Audigy2 sound card).

Tried with SPDIF to an AV Receiver,Analog and Headphones direct into the Xonar then all the different sample rates on each but no difference it is still present.

Currently listening with Hi-Fi enabled in the Xonar CP to disable all the DSP effects and so far it is perfect so beginning to think that Asus need to do some more work on their drivers. You probably would not hear this distortion on speakers as it is very slight at times but headphones seem to pick it up easier and highlight the issue.

What is everyone else's experiences with Music distortion via heaphones?
i think it could be a P5K problem, try the d2x in the other pc.

i have a p5k and a d2x, and its hit and miss if i get crackle,sometimes i boot up and its fine, sometimes not.
Currently listening with Hi-Fi enabled in the Xonar CP to disable all the DSP effects and so far it is perfect so beginning to think that Asus need to do some more work on their drivers. You probably would not hear this distortion on speakers as it is very slight at times but headphones seem to pick it up easier and highlight the issue.

what was causing the distortion then? what presets were you using?
what was causing the distortion then? what presets were you using?
None that I was aware of as the 5 buttons were all off but until I hit Hi-Fi the distortion was still there. Then it went away for a while now its back again so must be something else although Hi-Fi reduces it greatly so am still puzzled about this.

Is it possible that any of the following could cause it as they are all present in this PC.

1: PCI-E Asus Wi-Fi card near to it as its soldered onto the mobo.

2: 5 case fans.

3: 3 HD's.

4: Microsoft X360 wireless gaming receiver.

5: Asus IR unit for remote control of power.

Do you know if the Xonar can be affected by IR signals?

Any other ideas as I am really struggling to pinpoint this one. The strange thing is Bluray/HD-DVD are perfect as are all games it is only on pure music playback either MP3 or CD this appears!!
EM interference is a possibility, but it doesnt usually cause distortion like what i think you're describing. im a bit stumped but i'll have a think about it. does it happen on any well known tracks or cd's that im likely to have? i could try and replicate the problem
EM interference is a possibility, but it doesnt usually cause distortion like what i think you're describing. im a bit stumped but i'll have a think about it. does it happen on any well known tracks or cd's that im likely to have? i could try and replicate the problem
Solved it! You were right it is EM interference from the Asus onboard Wi-Fi card. Disabling it makes the noise go away totally. Strange it only affects music on MP3/CD and not movies or games:confused::confused:
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