Weirdest Name You’ve Had On a Shirt?

20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
My evening is going splendidly. I spent a lot of time watching old music videos and am currently watching extended highlights of the ‘99 CL Final. Obviously there’s a decent amount of wine involved.

What it has made me wonder is back to old shirts I had. I remember having the black swag shirt with Blomqvist on the back.
I have no idea why I’d have gone for that as a 13yr old given the other legends available!

Made me wonder about other shirts people had with less than typical names. What’ve you had? Lot if Liverpool fans around. Anyone have a Babb shirt?
Maybe it’s a Liverpool thing. My mate has all his old shirts as well including an old ‘94 training top that apparently is worth a few hundred if it was an adult size. Sadly we were 8 at the time and there’s less demand for kids tops!

I’ve not got any old shirts and always thrown them away. I do sometimes consider buying iconic shirts. Mainly the ‘94-96 one with Old Trafford in the background. I absolutely loved that shirt, but I see them selling for £80 and the thought goes!
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