Welcome to Kidderminster

30 Jun 2019
Don't know if you've heard about the incident with the speed cam mooning guy in Kidderminster, but this graffiti was done shortly after the event.


It's perhaps the most artistic thing to be produced in Kidderminster, in a long time.

The local council is going to receive £20 million (plus millions more for heritage sites / civic buildings) as part of a government funded project to make the shops and cafes seem nicer and more appealing, but as you can see, there's really no need when they have works of art like this.
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Yeah oops, general discussion is probably more appropriate...

Back to Kiddy - How much money would it take to fix Kiddy? I'm not sure a one off £20 million splash from Boris Johnson is gonna cut it.

They need a better/larger hospital, transport (better rail connections to surrounding areas), education, community policing (more beat cops?), youth clubs, opportunities for people growing up there. Improving the shops/cafes and access to them might help a bit though.

It looks like they are blowing some of the money on civic buildings like court buildings, museum upgrades, a square outside Kiddy college and the town hall. Why? According to the WFDC council proposal, local people want more 'heritage sites', is that what's needed though?
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