Welcome to Last Week

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Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
By now I'm sure we're all aware of the omnipresence our infamous friend, Welcome to Last Week. Often brought out as a sharp and witty indication that the thread in which it's been posted has been done before, in it's heyday it was as amusing as misspelling the word 'the'. Sadly, through constant use, our once dear friend is now an unwanted guest at these Mighty Fine Forums™, making unwanted appearances and rearing his ugly head at every opportunity.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the situation is now out of control. Like an incontinent old dog, WTLW is causing problems in the OcUK household - weeing on the furniture, passing out in front of the back door and becoming altogether something of a foul-smelling wee-soaked nuisance (and in addition to the resident foul-smelling wee-soaked Dons, it's one too many). I'm afraid WTLW has had to be put down, out of it's misery. It was the best thing for it.

But don't shed any tears on the passing of our old amigo, there's a new excitable WTLW puppy in the house! And he's got many different interchangeable coats too! (This dog analogy is starting to grate. Let's drop it, shall we?)



Through the medium of moving images, new life can be brought to the staid WTLW image macro. See how the simple addition of movement has added a whole new depth to the image, how the staccato timing of the words infuses wildly with the nutty aroma of the GIF's palette. There are many different animations possible, why not give your own a go? Make like Neil Buchanen and have an Art Attack.


If you're not graphically talented, then why not exercise your medulla oblongata* and come up with new and exciting ways to tell the thread starter that you've seen the posted article/image/flash game/large list of unfunny jokes before? It's an easy game to do and results in an increased vocabulary for all participants! For example, instead of saying "This was posted yesterday" try something like this:

"Dear Sir/Madam,

It is with the greatest regret that I have to inform you that the material that you have so gracefully presented in the above composition has, unfortunately, been presented to the members of this facility previously.

However, given the membership of these forums, I am sure that there are members who may have not seen the article in question. These members, whether they make themselves known or not, are indebted to you for this fine piece of information. Be assured that you have their gratitude.

Yours sincerely,

Seraphim Esq."
Or maybe you can write a limerick?

There was an OcUK member,
Who posted a thread in November,
The first poster wrote,
'We've seen that old quote,
It was posted way back in September!'
There are no limits, besides your intellectual capabilities, to the variations on this theme. Haikus maybe? A Shakespearean sonnet? It's your choice.

* Thesauruses r fun


Revive the lost profession of ASCII art and liven up those dull WTLW posts! With a few hours and limitless patience, you too can create marvellous wonders such as this for use in your very own posts...

 __      __  ______  __       __      __    
/\ \  __/\ \/\__  _\/\ \     /\ \  __/\ \   
\ \ \/\ \ \ \/_/\ \/\ \ \    \ \ \/\ \ \ \  
 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  __\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 
  \ \ \_/ \_\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \_/ \_\ \
   \ `\___x___/  \ \_\ \ \____/ \ `\___x___/
    '\/__//__/    \/_/  \/___/   '\/__//__/
Now, isn't that better?


This is by far the most revolutionary of my ideas - instead of letting the thread starter know that the premise of the thread is old and has been done before, just don't reply at all. Yes, that's all there is to this idea. Just don't reply. It may be difficult to resist the urge at first, but given a determined attitude and elaborate electro-shock treatment, it should be possible to wean off even the most persistent offender...

These are just a few things that you can do to bring life back to the old, tired and overused catchphrase that we all love to hate. There are plenty more opportunities for innovation in the field of catchphrases - what can you come up with?
Originally posted by Borris
This has already been posted here.
Damn, how could I have known this was posted before? Thanks for the heads up. I don't think I can live with the shame...

Originally posted by Fedaykin
And what does the part of the brain that deals with autonomous breathing got to do with making up witty stuff?
That'll teach me for looking at the Thesaurus without checking the Dictionary as well... :D

Originally posted by s4ch117
good post

Originally posted by Fusion
You are far too intelligent for ocuk.
Stop, you'll make me blush. :o
Originally posted by Borris
Please tell me that you clicked the link - the irony of not seeing the irony (how do you define a double-irony?) would be too much to bare.
I'm afraid your cunning plan wasn't quite cunning enough to fool this cunning fox. Or something along those convoluted lines. ;)

Oh, and you can't have a double irony. If such an event ever occurred, the universe would implode into Eamon Holmes' head and become nullified. Not a very pleasant end, especially for poor old Eamon.


But, soft! What thread through yonder forum breaks? It is another bloody Google-trick post, and Juliet is the wench responsible.
Realise your mistake, fair Juliet, and close this thread before the masses - envious of your obvious superiority - hijack this thread and derail it into a trainwreck, as so often doth happen to threads that are mere repeats of previous episodes...




There you are - speak up a bit, I can't hear you.


O Romeo, Romeo, where were you Romeo, before I started this thread? If only you could have warned me that it was posted before, then this sorry charade could have been avoided. If the members decree that this most heinous of crimes is punishable, then I shall be banned, never to return.


(Aside) Shall we ban her?


O Woe! Searching beforehand gave no results! The previous threads had been pruned like mine roses up the house walls. Please hear my case before damning me to a life of eternal ignominy!

Ah, damn it.

JULIET retreats into her bedroom, where she cries for the rest of the night, shamed by the knowledge she posted a repeat thread.

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I would like to express my undying, imperishable and unending love for many participants in this thread. Most notably Borris, botbit*, harvey-rumination**, local:hero*** and Lopéz.

You guys are the tops. Seriously.

* this joke stopped being funny years ago.
** this one has just started - funny?
*** I have yet to find a remotely funny other name yet...
Croydon Airport, England, on the 30th September 1938. Neville Chamberlain speaks to the press.

This morning I had another talk with the German chancellor Herr Hitler. And here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine.

Some of you perhaps have already heard what it contains, but I would just like to read it to you...

"Type into Google, the following phrase...
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