Well Done Sky - very efficent

19 Jan 2006
Very impressed with Sky so far.

Switched from the excellent ADSL24 (£20 a month) to Sky because my exchange has been LLU'd and the upto 16mb package with Sky was only £10.

Anyway router arrived and migrated to sky yesterday on schedule. Only issues i'm wondering is can i improve my line stats to sync at a higher speed??

I know nothing about line stats!!

Anyway - before with ADSL24

DSL Upstream Rate: 448 Kbps
DSL Downstream Rate: 6912 Kbps

Down up
DSL Noise Margin: 8.4 dB 19.0 dB
DSL Attenuation: 40.0 dB 21.5 dB
DSL Transmit Power: 19.8 dBm 11.9 dBm

Now with Sky

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 7456 kbps 768 kbps
Line Attenuation 39.0 db 22.5 db
Noise Margin 7.3 db 14.0 db

From the basic reading i have done my Line Attenuation seems very high. I have filters on all sky boxes/phones etc.

Only issue i can initially see is my sky box appears to be wired directly into the master socket, i.e no splitter or anything on the cable.

Should i take a look at the socket and see if anything can be done there?? (Test socket)

Sky "estimated" that my line should be able to handle between 8 and 16mb. i know i am still connecting @ circa 8mb but we always want more eh??:p:p

Any help appreciated.
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