Well looky here at this little fella! {big pic warning}

14 Jul 2003
So being a bit of an old man now I cant get through the night with out having to use the lavatory. As I am sitting on the throne I notice something strange about my bath, there is an addition. This little white moth, like none I have ever seen, it was more like a butterfly in its general appearance mainly down to its pure beauty! Well I thought it was pretty. I have never seen a moth or a butterfly anything like it, normally they are grey and horrible or something but this fella is well green on close inspection, but at first glance white! Wasnt until I took the pictures that I noticed just how green it was, but it was to the naked eye very well camoflagued!



Anyone else seen something like this little fella? He has got me really intrigued. More importantly can anyone identify this fella!
I decided it was best to leave the little guy in peace in a locked bathroom... I will wait to hear the scream from my mum or little sister in the morning! It looks to innocent to eat my brains or eyeball goo!
Zildjian said:
Glad you made it through the night. Although I doubt it is gone, It is probably eating your brain right now.

How is your memory?

My memory is bad anyway :confused:

The little fella was pretty amazing, pretty well camoflagued, i just have ninja skills and good vision apparently! Thanks for whoever told me which moth it was!
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