well that was uncomforable (dentist)

6 Jan 2003
Just been to the dentist and had 3 teeth out - 2 widom and 1 molar. Had 4 injections to numb the mouth, and then she went to work. Top one was out in about 20 seconds after plenty of pressure, it felt like she was just ripping it out :eek:. The lower wisdom tooth and molar required a bit more work though. It took another 30 minutes for those 2 to come out and then some stiches to put my gum back together. £220 worth of work in 45 minutes.

The anaesthetic is now wearing off, and the pain is starting :(. I have some pain killers to take but can't at the moment because I find it awkward taking tablets as it is, as I need water to take them and I'm finding it hard to swallow properly.
It also seems like i have to rinse blood out of my mouth every 20 mins or so, I assume this is normal :confused:.

To top it off, I've got to go back next month to have the wisdom teeth on the other side taken out.
I had a tooth out about 2 years ago. It was a pre-molar and was in my gum pretty tight. When the dentist tried to pull it out, it just snapped in half. I remember walking home with blood dribbling out of my mouth. I had work that evening, phoned up and said I can't work as I have no control over my mouth and I'm dribbling blood everywhere. They said it was okay, but I ended up with a verbal warning for it. Go figure.

The worst bit is when you try to eat and end up with food in the holes. I had a strange flavour in my mouth one day and nothing would shift it, I then noticed I had a bit of meat embedded deep in the hole. So, some tweezers and ten minutes later the nasty taste was gone. Just make sure you keep the holes clean and gargle that salt-water.
I hate that feeling when your mouth and lips feel like an infalted rubber ring.

No more sweeties for you. :)

EDIT: Get those painkillers down ya, asap!
most i have had out if 5 as well i think, due to me having a small jaw bone and not enough space for teeth
Dont worry the blood is normal. When i had a wisdom tooth out 2 years ago the anaesthetic didn't kick in properly and I was in agony. After I had the work done I found out the Dentist was nick named 'The butcher of Bridge of Don'. Wish i new that before hand. :(
ive only one wisdom tooth left now as the other 3 came through with defects.

My lower Right one had only one side remaining as the rest had just broken of so it looked like this /|. Dentist said i should have been in agony but it hardly hurt. The main problem was that it was rvery near the main nerve. He injected me and then i felt it running down my face so he had to redo it. He took the top right first then started on the bottom right. Got the old chisel and hammer in there whacking away at it. He managed to get it in the end though :D Strangest feeling ever!
My brother was under local anaesthetic for a filling once, and started chewing his lip. The dentist ended up having to give him stitches because he chewed right through it.

Last time I had a filling, the dentist got me to sit up and rinse my mouth out after she was done. Half my mouth wasn't working right because of the anaesthetic. I tried to swish the water from one side of my mouth to the other, by squeezing one cheek so all the water goes into the other, but my other cheek wasn't awake so it paid no attention to my brain saying "ATTENTION RIGHT CHEEK! INCOMING WATER! ENLARGE YOURSELF!" and I ended up squirting water out of the corner of my mouth all over the hot dental nurse. Oops.
Do yourself a favour, and whenever you feel the pain, gargle and swill with warm salty water.

That did me more good than Nurofen. :rolleyes:
I remember when I had two wisdom teeth pulled, the dentist would not do it as my roots were not straight down but curved upwards so I had to go to the hospital.

They were pulled out in pieces, he had to split them before he could take them out, I will never forget the cracking noise as they broke into pieces and the pulling was so hard it hurt my neck muscles.
£220 quid would pay for about 18 months of a dental plan. Well worth the money imo. Probably would have saved your teeth and the pain.
I've always taken the line that dentists are full of crap, and will do anything to charge that little extra.

</dentist hater>
Stretch said:
£220 quid would pay for about 18 months of a dental plan. Well worth the money imo. Probably would have saved your teeth and the pain.
The fact wisdom teeth have to be pulled has nothing to do with the state of them, in my case they were pushing all my other teeth to the side as there wasn't enough room for them.

Having a dental plan isn't going to help you in this situationa s there is nothing you can do against it other than pull them out.
Amp34 said:
Have you got dribbly mouth syndrome or has it worn off now? :p ;)
Had the dribbly mouth syndrome but it's now gone, along with the pain and the blood :D. Took some ibuprofen and paracetamol. I normally have trouble swallowing tablets but becasue of the pain I was in, these went down instantly :). Will be gargling with the salty water as well.
Only got to have another 2 out next time :).
molinari said:
Had the dribbly mouth syndrome but it's now gone, along with the pain and the blood :D. Took some ibuprofen and paracetamol. I normally have trouble swallowing tablets but becasue of the pain I was in, these went down instantly :). Will be gargling with the salty water as well.
Only got to have another 2 out next time :).
I still remember yawning after my op at hospital. The clots in the sockets must have nearly dried, and me yawning must have moved/stretched them - God, I won't forget that pain in a rush. :eek::o
Had two of mine taken out...

Pain like you just wouldnt know.
Only lasts a couple of days though.

Good idea to put something on your pillow, bed tonight. My mouth kept bleeding for 2 days. When I woke up in the morning I thought someone had slashed me, there was blood everywhere.
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