We're moving house... to the middle of a forest!

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
After a year of job hunting, my wife finally managed to secure a job up in Scotland, so in a months time we are moving! We have managed to rent a place that is awesome! It is 3 miles from the nearest village, in the middle of a huge forest, surrounded by mountains! It's also much bigger than our current flat, and includes 3 sheds! Oh yeah! :D


Super excited to me moving, and especially with all the amazing nature and sports right on our doorstep! :)
Looks fantastic. Can you get broadband?
Will be a fantastic lifestyle. Where are you moving from?

Speaking to the landlords, they have another property just up the road that gets broadband and people have commented on how relatively fast it is. Looking at SamKnows though and it doesn't look great, lol. 8km in a straight line to the exchange, ouch!

We are moving up from Newcastle/Gateshead. Moving from 'up north' to really up north!

Have fun getting a gaming connection.

I don't game. Just need a basic connection for browsing. ;)

Veeeeery nice.

What's the job? What're you going to do? Can I come for a photography adventure?!

My wife got a charity manager job in Inverness. I'm going to get anything to tie us over, then keep looking for outdoor jobs. Would love a Forestry Commission apprenticeship if possible.

Yeah you can come for photography adventures! I'm planning on setting up my own wildlife hide in the garden for pine martins/squirells/Crested **** etc. :)
electric heating, old stone walls with lath and plaster walls. you're going to be living in the lounge with the wood burner over winter! :eek:

It was fully renovated a couple of years ago, so should be decently insulated. Just have to wear more jumpers. People are too soft now anyway. I was brought up in Norway, so miss proper winters!

Mountains? Boy, those are barely mole hills :p House & area looks good though :)

The Cairngorms are just 10 miles away. ;)

Lucky bugger, that's exactly the kind of place I'd love to be. Telling people to get off my swamp.

Not sure if I'd want to rent though.

We would like to buy eventually, but still need to save up more of a deposit and just get up to the area. Also living there, we stand a better chance of hearing about new properties coming up for sale, and getting to know the area better.
Thanks everyone. I have been looking at the local wildlife, and I should be able to expect Red Squirrels, Pine Martins and Crestedtits in the Garden if I put food out for them. I am planning on making a little wildlife hide in the garden to photograph any visitors! :D

Looks a nice house! £650 p/m seems decent. How much would the house cost to buy out of interest?

Not sure, but I would guess at maybe £250k? More then we could afford anyway. The hope is that something in the area might come up at some point that needs a bit of work, and make it a project.

The shower come fume cupboard arrangement is weird! But the house + location looks lovely!

Yeah, a bit excessive isn't it? We asked about it and it turns out the pressure of the shower made the water hit the window on the opposite wall, lol. So they put up the full screen. Hope the shower leaves some skin on my back!
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