We've come a long way to get where we are now

10 Jan 2010
An interesting watch:


Some of those headsets don't look quite as comfortable! :D

Amazing how long we have been working on this technology though, and in a month's time quality consumer versions hit the market. What a time to be alive :p

I'm actually very impressed with the headset 25 minutes in though. Not far from what the oculus and vive initially looked like!
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I do find it weird seeing that sort of thing. I wonder if they saw it as a product that was ready to be released then, or a product that would arrive in the future.

It looks bad, and I'm sure even though it may have technically been great at the time, they would still see it looks bad and had severe limitations. But I look what we have, and it looks fantastic, I can't wait to see how it'll look in another 15-20 years to see how crazy things will have progressed, and looking back at what we have now, and how rudimentary it will look.

Okay so some of that question was answered in the video. But good god, the video even makes me a bit motion sick hah.
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I remember trying the old Virtuality system back in the early 90s. It used Amigas as the back end, was super heavy, and didn't work very well. It was a taste of what was to come though.


I remember seeing them on display at Woolworths I think, not on sale, but a demonstration. Never did give them a go at the time, but they looked awesome.
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