We've got a new member....

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18 Oct 2002
Wirral, Cheshire
...called 'BNP member'...

I wonder if this is just a member having a larph (not a very good one mind you) or it really is a member of the BNP.

If you are a genuine member (of the BNP) - I think a few people would like to ask you a few questions regarding the BNP's policies. :)
Originally posted by Fedaykin
Big emotion filled rant(s)

Calm down, and stop making wild accusations :)

Nobody is jumping on anyones back, have I once said "that damn racist BNP member, I'm gonna lynch him from the nearest tree"? No. I merely stated, that by the mere fact that he chose his name to be BNP member, that a few people will be 'interested' to hear why he supports the BNP. If he chooses not to tell them, that's fine, it's his decision.

And yes these forums are the place to talk about it, they are the place to talk about anything (excluding the obvious ;)) - if he chooses not to give his opinion, that's fine.

And if we want to ask for it - that's fine too.

And (awful lot of ands :p), we are not 'discussing it behind his back' - I have opened a thread in a forum, to which he is a member, and to which he can see and reply. Explain how it's behind his back?

Lastly, don't get so emotive - it's a forum mate ;)
Originally posted by Robert
oh dear , what Fedaykin said is 100% true.

Do we make anyone justify their backing of any other political group ? NO.This is his own business and no one elses.

Read my above post.

Why do people insist on making a mountain out of a mole hill?
...called 'BNP member'...

I wonder if this is just a member having a larph (not a very good one mind you) or it really is a member of the BNP.

If you are a genuine member (of the BNP) - I think a few people would like to ask you a few questions regarding the BNP's policies.

Tell me where in that first post, or any other did I ask him to justify why he supports the BNP?

And Mikol, I am a White British Male - what some would consider to be part of the majority, although as the BNP rightly points out, I will soon be part of the minority.

Iam started it, you cannot get further down the right wing like him

I'm not right wing - I just hate you lefties tis' all :D ;)
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