WFH due to health, company wants me back in the office

2 May 2011
So in all fairness to them, they're always very accommodating when it comes to my health. I've got Crohn's Disease, I'm not about to keel over but I am at increased risk of catching everything.

The company have had us WFH from when the government started insisting. They recently said that everyone should be in the office on Mondays and Thursdays, beginning today. I went in this morning. Everything is the same, there's just more hand sanitizer around. There isn't any social distancing between desks, though apparently if you sit straight forward it's 1.9 m.

I isolated myself in the office, sat up on this mezzanine floor and I was isolated from everyone. But then I was feeling incredibly anxious about using the kitchen and the toilets. At about 12, I messaged my managed saying that I felt incredibly uncomfortable and I hadn't been self-isolating for 3 months to come back to a full office. He said, leave the building and we'll work something out.

The reason for bringing us back in is that they want us to be interacting with each other again. I work fine with my team remotely as far as I can tell. One of my team has come back part time from furlough today, so I did want to make sure I got face to face with him, but that is done now.

What would you do? I don't believe they're following the government guidelines and I've stated that my health is more important. I just feel a bit like I'm causing trouble.
Government guidance is still 'if you can work from home, work from home' is it not?

As such, since you've demonstrated that for the last 3 months you've successfully been able to work from home I'd say you have a strong case for continuing to do so.

Really it all depends on how flexible your employer is willing to be.
Talk to your Manager and/or HR ? You clearly don't fit into a blanket "come back in" category, but if there are specific concerns about your availability for contact then they need to make that clear so you have the chance to work out an acceptable solution. You think remote working has worked fine, they may have an issue you're not aware of. Talk to them.
I've got the same worries and pretty sure they will want me in soon.
I've proved over this last 3 months that I do more at home but that means I do a certain type of work while others now do more of another type of work.
I also feel that if I go back the last 3 months have been wasted and I'm being put in the danger zone.
I'm hoping Occy Health say I should stay at home if I can work from home.
I work in an NHS hospital.
Talk to your Manager and/or HR ? You clearly don't fit into a blanket "come back in" category, but if there are specific concerns about your availability for contact then they need to make that clear so you have the chance to work out an acceptable solution. You think remote working has worked fine, they may have an issue you're not aware of. Talk to them.

They are one and the same, and also the one who gave me the slightly shirty response. We will work out an acceptable solution, as you say. The only thing that's changed is that this one guy in my team is working part time instead of being furloughed. In the director's words, he wants to encourage us to "interact with our colleagues to share ideas." That's great, but not if the cost is being ill. I'm immuno-suppressed so the results of my having COVID are unpredictable.

I've got the same worries and pretty sure they will want me in soon.
I've proved over this last 3 months that I do more at home but that means I do a certain type of work while others now do more of another type of work.
I also feel that if I go back the last 3 months have been wasted and I'm being put in the danger zone.
I'm hoping Occy Health say I should stay at home if I can work from home.
I work in an NHS hospital.

Yeah I remember, and you've got the diabetes right? The hospital is probably the last place you should be!

I completely share your sentiment about the last 3 months. If you're just going to go into work and expose yourself to COVID then what was the point? You may as well have contracted it early and got it over and done with.
So in all fairness to them, they're always very accommodating when it comes to my health. I've got Crohn's Disease, I'm not about to keel over but I am at increased risk of catching everything.

Have you had a shielding letter from the government? Shielding isn't paused until 1st of August... you've got another month left.

Also the 1.9 meters distance isn't what I'd be concerend about here - are the windows open and are people wearing masks? I mean that's the obvious one I'd call out, pretty clear that droplets can linger indoors and so if people aren't taking the basic step of wearing a mask then....
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Over 60
Blood type A
and still diagnosed with a mild form of Asthma

Don't go to work!!!!

Have you had a shielding letter from the government? Shielding isn't paused until 1st of August... you've got another month left.

Also the 1.9 meters distance isn't what I'd be concerend about here - are the windows open and are people wearing masks? I mean that's the obvious one I'd call out, pretty clear that droplets can linger indoors and so if people aren't taking the basic step of wearing a mask then....

I'm not shielded but I have had a letter from the hospital saying that I should be working from home. We don't have a great number of windows but we do have mechanical ventilation, so that does sort the ventilation issue. No one is wearing masks, of course. This is why I hated it so much - I have no control of what people do outside my own home. I could get corona and be absolutely fine, for all I know I could have had it, but I'd rather not find out how it might affect me if I were to get it.
I work in an NHS hospital.

That's about the worst place to be at the moment! (trust me, I've been for appointments recently and sadly plenty of staff (including some clinical staff) who really, really should know better are being total muppets).

I'm not shielded but I have had a letter from the hospital saying that I should be working from home.

Yeah it could well be only a mild risk - I suspect age and the conditions that often go with age are much more of a risk... I mean the way i'm looking at it is that most Crohn's meds lower your immune system a bit erog if you do get it then perhaps you'll have a higher chance of it not being fought off right away (i.e. higher chance of not being asymptomatic) and so have to put up with the breathing difficulties, cough etc.. However, in terms of the people on ventilators etc.. that's (AFAIK) often down to a massive immune response, whereas Crohn's meds kind of reduce that... I mean the one effective treatment discovered so far for Covid19 (and only effective for people on oxygen or ventilators) is a steroid!

I did wonder if anti-TNF drugs could be a benefit rather than a risk, apparently Humira is being trialed (at least one study ongoing in China AFAIK)
Yeah it could well be only a mild risk - I suspect age and the conditions that often go with age are much more of a risk... I mean the way i'm looking at it is that most Crohn's meds lower your immune system a bit erog if you do get it then perhaps you'll have a higher chance of it not being fought off right away (i.e. higher chance of not being asymptomatic) and so have to put up with the breathing difficulties, cough etc.. However, in terms of the people on ventilators etc.. that's (AFAIK) often down to a massive immune response, whereas Crohn's meds kind of reduce that... I mean the one effective treatment discovered so far for Covid19 (and only effective for people on oxygen or ventilators) is a steroid!

I did wonder if anti-TNF drugs could be a benefit rather than a risk, apparently Humira is being trialed (at least one study ongoing in China AFAIK)

Honestly, I thought the same. I might actually be better off than you average person. But, I can't massively say I want to put it to the test!
I’d be uncomfortable too in your position. If it’s absolutely necessary for you to be in the office could you not do different days to the others? Otherwise I’d want to be at home. I wouldn’t be too afraid to push back if you’re concerned for your health. My friend with the same complaint as you has fortunately been allowed to continue to work from home. I can’t see why they would insist on putting people at unnecessary risk although I can already see the lawsuits coming! No win, no fee!
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