What about used DSLR's

6 Dec 2005
What are the pro's and con's of buying a used DSLR say a 10D over a new D50 or a 400D, from the point of view of someone starting out with DSLR's and no preference for lenses, and who's not likely to go much beyond budget/kit lenses.
There are a few pros, not many mind.
  • Cost, not sure what the going rate is though
  • Bigger body might make for more comfortable handling

The list of cons is longer, not sure if they outweigh the pros though.
  • Slower AF (10D v 400D)
  • Older processing technology - more image noise from 10D v 400D (still low though)
  • No support for EF-S lenses (limited range of lenses at the wide end)
  • Shutter life - a failed shutter can easily be replaced but it might cost as much as the body.
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