What age would you take a kid to a gig?

16 May 2004
I am so desperate to go see VolBeat in Nottingham in few weeks but I have literally no one to go with. I did think about taking my 7 yo lad (8yo at the end of Jan) he likes rock music from Trolls world tour and I have been playing VolBeat in the back ground quite a lot and he has not said anything negative or acted negative towards it. He has ADHD and ASD so loudness is an issue but he has ear defender to wear. the epic scale of a crowd, bright lights, sound etc he will have issues with BUT with some pre planned, social stories to get him accustomed to the event it 'could' work. Would you take the risk. It is a risk, I know him more than what you all will know, but would you take a young lad like my son to a gig like this. I am willing to go solo, (unless anyone here is willing to go with me).

Its a big parenting choice to make and I really want to get him out into the big wild world we live in, his condition is manageable, it will be late at night but 90% of the time he his fairly chilled early evening. he has medication he takes to last the school day and home time/ it would be worn off by the gig start but we can adjust to suit our needs as horrible as that sounds.

It’s totally dependent on the child and who is playing.

I like Volbeat but I wouldn’t take my 8 year old. It’s not just the music, it’s also the crowd.

I’d take my 8 year old to a family friendly pop concert but not a rock/metal concert. They can be a lot more rowdy and attract a minority of people who I wouldn’t want my 8 year old anywhere near. It’s a very different type of crowd compared to something like little mix…

If they were 12/13 I’d probably take them but not at 8. Add in the other points you mentioned then yeh, get a sitter.
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I would say the time to take your kid to a gig is when you really want them to see the band. Not when you really want to go yourself and him attending is just a side effect.
ASD, you will give him PTSD for sure.

Sounds like a terribly selfish idea
Not selfish as he likes the idea of going, the loudness/noise, issue is from random and unexpected noise. Eg, a car back firing, or a loud clatter of pans in the kitchen. We have always introduced loudness over a time such as going to Alton Towers or the zoo, in town shopping etc those are bigger issues than loud music. In fact he does like loud music, as he dances around the house with it on. Ear defenders soften the noise anyway.

Regardless, no one is going now as the wife is working nights that particular night, so there we go. :(
I am so desperate to go see VolBeat in Nottingham in few weeks but I have literally no one to go with.

Take me, Volbeat are my favourite band along with Ghost.

My Sister used to take her 4 year old son to gigs, always sat in the balcony and he had big ear defenders on.
He's 22 now but seen so many amazing bands.
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