What Amiga do I buy?



17 Dec 2002
Growing up, I never had an Amiga as they were too expensive.

I saw a port of Stunt Car Racer has been done for the C64; https://bitshifters.github.io/posts/prods/bs-scr-beeb.html

Seeing that, I recognised the game and began looking on YouTube at the various versions of it. As soon as I played the Amiga version, I instantly recognised it. After a quick chat with my brother, I remembered that we'd borrowed an Amiga from the local church youth group one summer - and played that game a lot.

So.. now I want an Amiga - but I'm totally unsure about what's out there, what mods can (or should) be done.

I think I need to a get an Amiga 1200 with a GoTek, or what else should I look at? If I do get a 1200, what mods are often done to them?
What mods can be done, I've seen co processor cards added that are more powerful than the stock CPU.

I'm very much keen on tinkering and modding, I have various ZX Spectrums - including the Spectrum Next.
Why KS 1.3, and why does it need a boot disk - can't it just boot the ROM? Hmm..

There seems to be a lot of modern accelerator cards that offer a lot via an onboard FPGA. A 500 with a Wicher 500i EX seems like it'd be a bit of beast?
Gotek floppy emulators seem to be the way to go now.
I've got one for my retro PCs, just ordered an OLED screen, rotary encoder and speaker for it
So, I listened to all the advice and have got an A600 :D

(I'm still looking for an A1200 but someone from work had an A600 they wanted to sell)
I was always told the A500 with 1.3 ROM had the best overall historic support especially for older games

I am going from a purely "buy and play" perspective. No upgrades etc.

Friend at work has pumped upwards of a grand into his 1200, it's pretty impressive now and he is currently waiting on delivery of a black desktop case from a Kickstarter he backed

I think I need to get some fast RAM and some kind of accelerator for each.. but I won't spend that much (flashforward a couple of months and there's a desktop case, mediator, blizzard PPC and a vampire on my desk :D)
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