What an extra CD-Drive..

18 Mar 2006
Tip my PSU over the edge?

I've heard mixed things on the PSU I have, I've heard from a lot of people it's absolutely fine for my rig, some people have said it's just about fine and other's have said it's not good enough...

In your opinion could I add a CD-Drive to my rig (simply wanna play RA2 without the stop and loading issues with a DVD drive :() or will I need a better PSU?

And if my PSU will be okay, can anyone recommend a good one? Cheers.

Oh ffs, that is supposed to say 'Would' in the title not 'What' :o ..
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mc_bob said:
2 main image creating softwares are Alchohol 120% and Daemon Tools.


So I assume once I've burnt the image I'll be able to play the game from my hard drive thus no stop and starting due to loading?
Pah won't work... :(

Just keep getting disc read errors.. probably because of the condition of the CD? (it's my mates :p)
Dr Jones said:
You can always do a "Full Install" and use a Game Backup Crack. Way smaller than a CD image - www.gamecopyworld.com
(NOTE: Only use it if you own the original CDs, I'm not here to promote Piracy Yarrrg.)

I do indeed.

I'll give that a go.. although at a guess I reckon I'll lose the mission movies and perhaps the sound?
hp7909 said:
If using Alcohol 120%, this could just be the protection system (SafeDisc/SecuROM), perfectly normal & means its working/cloning :)


That is a pic of what it's doing..

If this is normal it's going to take a long time.. :eek: It's taken about 5 minutes to get to 0.8%!
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