What are the advantages?

Lol, and Beansprout just flat squashed it in my face....well thanks :P

Well, anyways, are there any programs which will automatically create a website in XHTML so I don't have to manually code it.

Well thanks for all the responses, and I am going to develop another webpage and try and make it XHTML Traditional.

Well I have already started and I can already see the advantages, there is quite a lot of rubbish that Frontpage makes when coding.

Thanks Again :)
/\/\j17 said:
XHTML Traditional... or Transitional? :)

This is a local web page. None of your "modern" XHTML here, we are Traditional!

Ughghghgh, FrontPage. Burn it! Burn it!

I find it hard reading off a computer screen unless I send about 3 minutes on each word, so I make things up to fill the gaps :)
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