What are the top strategy games of recent years?

12 Oct 2003
Im looking for some good strategy games to play but i've not played anything new for years, last ones were like AOE, RA2, ST Armada and a few others, i did try generals but didn't really like it.

So what good ones have come out in recent years?
Thanks, just looking up on some of these now, what sort of present and more futuristic strategy's are out or coming out to look for as i enjoy these as much if not more than the older style of game play?

janesssssy said:
The new TA will be out soon.

I tried to guess but whats TA?

edit: total annihilation?

Zip said:
Age of Empires 3(I was a bit disappointed with it really)

I was going to get AOE3 before but never got around to ordering, so is it not as good as was hoped for then?
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I've had a good look around and its hard to decide, i want to order one soon but im still unsure what to get, im thinking of just getting Age of Empires 3 even with the disappointment shown from Zip, i will try some demos of most of them first though.

After looking at Supreme Commander yesterday i have to say it looks pretty sweet, its one i will definitely be keeping an eye on when its out next year, i was hoping for a good futuristic strategy for years and it looks like this should be a good one, recommend you all check it out if you like that type.
Zip said:
Rise and Fall: Civilizations at war(really look into this one coz its great)

This is the first demo i tried from this thread so far, have to say i quite enjoyed it, at first i was a bit unsure because it was a bit different to what i was expecting but once i got into it i found it quite fun especially the hero unit you can play in first person, i started playing the demo in story mode around 7pm and then had a long skirmish battle, i thought it was getting on to 12am but i exited the game to see 3:16am! :eek:
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