You know on a PC board where you have Insert, Delete, PgDn, PgUp, Home, and End. I was using the PowerMac G4 in one of the edit suites here this evening and pressed what I thought was "Home" to go to the beginning of a line, and nothing happened. I only really noticed at that point that these buttons were labelled something weird. Delete is still there, but "Insert" is "Help", and then there are 4 funky arrows for everything else.
What the hell do these do, are they the standard Home, PgUp etc buttons and the program I was using (Media 100i) doesn't use them, or are they something totally different? Can I get a home / end button on a Mac without buying a new keyboard? This is pretty important to me and would likely be a deal breaker to purchasing one.
What the hell do these do, are they the standard Home, PgUp etc buttons and the program I was using (Media 100i) doesn't use them, or are they something totally different? Can I get a home / end button on a Mac without buying a new keyboard? This is pretty important to me and would likely be a deal breaker to purchasing one.