What are webcams like to use these days?

11 May 2004
I've been thinking of getting a webcam to use like a video phone to talk to family, friends etc. I remeber back in the day when there was only 56k, webcams were like slide shows. What are they like now with broadband?

I've read on forums that the Sony Eyetoy beats the pants off all other webcams, so I might get one of them. On the software side of things what will I need to do video confrencing?

Thanks :)
I have a logitech quickcam pro, and it works great. The picture is really good. Most are 30fps, so if you wave your hand you can see it blur really well, but that doesnt get in the way of webcam conversations with the family back home.
can you hold a video conference with webcams? So lets say you using a mic you can talk to 20 diff people whilst they see what you are doing? and more importantly can you see them also all 20 of them?

Please clarify.....

Thanks in advance...
:) Webcams are just so much better with BroadBand than they were with the dread 56!

30Fps as stated is plenty good enough for conversations, as for software, whatever cam u buy will probably have some sort of mail system but use MSN or Skype and you'll be fine,

USB 2.0 is an obvious improvement for recording but might not have much effect for conversations live online.

Could make some recommendations but not from OC so I wont, haven't tried one that tracks your face but they are meant to be v clever!

Skullbones said:
:) Webcams are just so much better with BroadBand than they were with the dread 56!

30Fps as stated is plenty good enough for conversations, as for software, whatever cam u buy will probably have some sort of mail system but use MSN or Skype and you'll be fine,

USB 2.0 is an obvious improvement for recording but might not have much effect for conversations live online.

Could make some recommendations but not from OC so I wont, haven't tried one that tracks your face but they are meant to be v clever!


Mine supposedly tracks my face... I dont really see the point tho unless you're on a boat in stormy weather sat on a wheeled chair...

We have family living in Spain and we regularly have MSN convo's with mic and webcam but the quality is still really poor.

I have a USB 2.0 1.3Megapixel webcam and it is really slow with fast moving objects, yo uhave to sit very still to have any good clear picture.

It isn't a connection problem as I have 5mbit cable and the other side has 2mbit ADSL

Perhaps it is also a limitation of MSN but I don't know for sure really.
I dont mind trying anything as long as the image is good.....

Like I said I would like about 20 ppl to see me and me to be able to see them and talk at the same time....without any delays...

Any ideas?
xirokx said:
Like I said I would like about 20 ppl to see me and me to be able to see them and talk at the same time....without any delays...

Are those 20 people in the same room? If not, it would prolly take some software that does not come with the webcam or free over instant messaging.
different countries mate....

someone suggested getting a VOIP line or using skype....but I thought yahoo could deal with that easily?

there must not be a delay also...

what dya reckon
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