What are you best at?

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
What things do you do best?

Is there a skill that you are particually proud of?

For me:

I'm pretty good at Photoshop (i.e. I can put someones face on another persons body and make it look real) I can also own most people in F.P.S's.
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SexyBetty said:
Whooping arse on Mario Kart :D

i believe kreeeee will be along to take that from you in a short while.

i play guitar and sing the best. well, not better than anyone else, but that's the thing i do best. and i'm amazing in bed too (i can sleep for days)

shamelessly stolen from the best sig on the forums
I don't know :/
I seem to be alright at a lot of things but not amazing at anything, Jack (or Jill) of all trades I guess.
I'm good at spray and pray, oh and rolling cigeretes with one hand, blowing smoke rings (can anyone tell I miss doing that?) and keeping old PCs running F@H
I'm good at messing it up and loosing friends.. :p

Nah, I'm good at building stuff. I like painting, and can build some great looking models. I'm also a VERY good spray painter...

Other then this, pretty useless. :D
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