What are your favourite horror/Halloween movies ?

29 Dec 2012
The month of horror is here and I was was wondering.
What are your favourite horror movies.

My top choices no order
The conjuring series
insidious 1 & 2
The Shining
Halloween 2018
The Omen
Childs play 1
The poltergeist 1982
The Ring
Get out

Dead silence
stay alive
Interview with the Vampire
Jeepers Creepers
From Dusk Till Dawn
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
The Witches
The Addams Family
The Burbs

Maybe you've never seen some my choices or you have your own choices.
Let me know your thoughts.
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Wooo its that time of year :eek::o:D

I tend to like spooky films rather than an all out gore fest, so in no particular order:

The Exorcist
The Omen Trilogy
The Dead Zone
The Shining
Let Me In (or Let the Right One In)
The Grudge
Halloween (original)
Jaws, such an awesome film
The Fly
The Women in Black (Original BBC version from 1989) Not the Daniel Radcliffe 2012 remake, the original is far more spooky and closer to the book.

Just realised its been officially released as Blu-Ray (bought)!

Wooo its that time of year :eek::o:D

I tend to like spooky films rather than an all out gore fest, so in no particular order:

The Exorcist
The Omen Trilogy
The Dead Zone
The Shining
Let Me In (or Let the Right One In)
The Grudge
Halloween (original)
Jaws, such an awesome film
The Fly
The Women in Black (Original BBC version from 1989) Not the Daniel Radcliffe 2012 remake, the original is far more spooky and closer to the book.

Just realised its been officially released as Blu-Ray (bought)!

im the same I hate gore, that maybe the reason ive only watched part of saw and never the sequels.

I should watch The Exorcist and jaws again not seen them in years.
Personally don't watch many Halloween films but I do like The Nightmare Before Christmas and the Hammer Horror collection.
In no particular order

The Thing
Event Horizon
The Mist
The Fog (original not remake)
Cabin in the Woods
The Shining and its sequel Dr Sleep.
Event Horizon
Let the Right One In
Shadow of the Vampire
The Sixth Sense

I've got a huge soft spot for the old Hammer Horror movies too.
Wooo its that time of year :eek::o:D

I tend to like spooky films rather than an all out gore fest, so in no particular order:

The Exorcist
The Omen Trilogy
The Dead Zone
The Shining
Let Me In (or Let the Right One In)
The Grudge
Halloween (original)
Jaws, such an awesome film
The Fly
The Women in Black (Original BBC version from 1989) Not the Daniel Radcliffe 2012 remake, the original is far more spooky and closer to the book.

Just realised its been officially released as Blu-Ray (bought)!

This man gets it!

One of the spookiest things I saw was The Woman In Black at a theatre back in the 1990's. There were only two actors and two pieces of furniture on stage (a clothes chest and a chair). But somehow they managed to create a really scary play with lighting and sound.
The Evil Dead/2.
Fright Night.
Nightmare On Elm Street.

Not really a fan of the genre, but i remember liking those in my younger years.

I think the Omega Man had the most detrimental effect on me as a child. Turn off the light would be fearful sometimes.
This man gets it!

One of the spookiest things I saw was The Woman In Black at a theatre back in the 1990's. There were only two actors and two pieces of furniture on stage (a clothes chest and a chair). But somehow they managed to create a really scary play with lighting and sound.

I went to see a one woman play with Jaye Griffiths playing a mother of a disabled child. At one stage she's doing this heart-rending speech as if she's talking to her son in the wheelchair opposite her on stage. More than once I found myself looking at the wheelchair to see his response. Obviously, being a one woman show, there was no person in the chair but I remember thinking "Damn, she can act so well that my mind is filling in the blanks." Amazing skill.
Insidious in the cinema was awesome, the soundtrack really sent chills down my spine.
Shaun of the dead
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
28 days later
Evil Dead 2
The Grudge
The Descent
Blair Witch Project
28 Days Later
The Taking
Paranormal Activity (mostly garbage and predictable, but that scream at the end of the film gives me chills and is terrifying)

A few of those aren't necessarily great films from a plot perspective, but they are pretty damn good at building an atmosphere and being creepy. REC for example, pretty rubbish plot, but think it's a fantastic watch because of the way its filmed. I love a good "found footage" horror film, but very few do it well. The Blair Witch Project, again, not the scariest film but it's a really easy watch and gets very uncomfortable towards the end
The Void
The Thing
Quite Like Assault on Precinct 13 (Original), has that eerie vibe about it.
The latest Halloween film and the first.
Event Horizon
Maybe Blade
30 Days of Night.
Terrified (Aterrados)
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
The Witch

Love horror scary movies, but my top there is "The Void", if you like The Thing, its heavily influenced by it but has such a bigger messed up tone to it with great practical effects.
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A bit of a mini-essay here, sorry.

As horror is a genre that relies so much upon ‘the unknown’, I think there is a lot of well-regarded ‘suspense filled’ horror that is actually quite boring on a rewatch when you are very familiar with it. For example, The Shining. Also, to a lesser extent, The Thing. Yeah, I said it. Come at me, bro! Every time I watch both I must confess that I find myself craving for the good bits... and I know you all think the same, don’t lie to me!! A lot of modern horror is therefore more rewatchable, even thought it’s less suspenseful. I only mention this as I think it affects what I would chose to watch during the Halloween season. I seriously doubt that many people that put themselves through watching The Shining every year and not get bored of it.

A lot of well-regraded horror is also extremely outdated. I finally got round to seeing Don’t Look Now (a supposed classic) and was so underwhelmed. The most notable thing about it was an unexpectedly raunchy sex scene.

The point I’m making is, effectively, don’t just stick to the ‘classics’.

Similarly, I think a lot of people would enjoy the genre a lot more if they were honest with what they wanted out of it. Do we really always want to be really scared? For most of us... no, not really. We are there to be entertained, principally, but also there for a good time. There is so much fun to be had if you loosen your parameters of what makes a good horror.

For example, I recently watched Wishmaster (1998) and think that is exactly the sort of ridiculous film that makes for a fantastic Halloween horror. It was hilarious. You could tell they had an absolutely super time making it. I really don’t care what anyone else thinks, Wishmaster gets two thumbs up from me :D

Scream (1996) is a forgotten great horror film. Yes, it’s been parodied beyond belief by films like Scary Movie but if you go back and watch it again, you’ll realise that Scream itself is a very smart parody of the slasher genre whilst also succeeding as a slasher film in its own right. There’s a fair bit of dialogue where the cast are discussing what they should and should not do if they were actually in a horror film, which all flew right over my head when I watched it as a nipper. The intro scene with Drew Barrymore is also highly memorable :)

Other examples of playful horror include Cabin in the Woods, The Return of the Living Dead (easily the best zombie film IMO) and Trick R’ Treat. Light up your pumpkins and give them a whirl!

For those that insist on watching something with a bit more edge, then the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is surprisingly chilling/disturbing.

Other excellent horror films off the top of my head:

The Grudge (American remake)
The Conjuring Universe films (all very watchable - except the first Annabel film which was poor)
Saw (the original film - the sequels are merely ‘fun’)
The Sixth Sense

The only sub-genre I don’t really like are those with shock sexual/rapey violence or that are unnecessarily depraved. I remember getting hold of a copy of Cannibal Holocaust and watching it with a bunch of university friends with a bunch of beers. You know, in the usual ‘let’s all have a laugh’ way. Well, it was just a thoroughly depressing/miserable/upsetting watch, in the worst way. Completely the opposite of what we were looking for and one to avoid. If you must satisfy your morbid curiosity, be aware that it has a lot of upsetting footage of slaughtering real animals for the ‘lolz’. As in, not fake / special effects, but real recorded death. It’s worse than it sounds.

All of that nastiness aside, horror is a great genre as a whole and perhaps my very favourite. All hail horror :D

Edit - ooo I can definitely recommend the TV show the Haunting of Hill House on Netflix. That’s great!
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Not a great fan of the genre - gore does nothing for me, jump scares can sometimes get me but one trick pony - once a movie like that has shown its hand it can't get me again, many other sub-genres I find try to hard to shock people and I just find it pitiful. They have to be really well done with tension and playing on the unknown to unsettle me.

Alien is one of my favourites but I don't find it scary. The only ones that have genuinely had me uneasy are The Thing (pretty sure I chickened out first time) and the first half of The Ring - second half it had shown its hand. (Aliens is one of my must watches and one of the few movies I can watch frequently and still enjoy almost as much as the first time).

Quite Like Assault on Precinct 13 (Original), has that eerie vibe about it.

Yeah by far my favourite movies in this genre are ones that do eerie well rather than trying to scare or shock you - the first bit of 1917 in no man's land I actually found quite good for that - shame the rest of the movie was a bit meh.

EDIT: And like mentioned above 28 days later.
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Not a great fan of the genre - gore does nothing for me, jump scares can sometimes get me but one trick pony - once a movie like that has shown its hand it can't get me again, many other sub-genres I find try to hard to shock people and I just find it pitiful. They have to be really well done with tension and playing on the unknown to unsettle me.

Alien is one of my favourites but I don't find it scary. The only ones that have genuinely had me uneasy are The Thing (pretty sure I chickened out first time) and the first half of The Ring - second half it had shown its hand. (Aliens is one of my must watches and one of the few movies I can watch frequently and still enjoy almost as much as the first time).

Yeah by far my favourite movies in this genre are ones that do eerie well rather than trying to scare or shock you - the first bit of 1917 in no man's land I actually found quite good for that - shame the rest of the movie was a bit meh.

EDIT: And like mentioned above 28 days later.
Have a go with the Haunting of Hill House TV series. You can watch one episode and see how you get on. Pretty sure you’ll like it! :)

Episode 6 of that series is a stunning piece of TV/film/anything IMO.
Have a go with the Haunting of Hill House TV series. You can watch one episode and see how you get on. Pretty sure you’ll like it! :)

Episode 6 of that series is a stunning piece of TV/film/anything IMO.

Think I started watching it and stopped because of the timelines/flashback - there is only so much I can tolerate narration told with flashbacks.
The Void
The Thing
Quite Like Assault on Precinct 13 (Original), has that eerie vibe about it.
The latest Halloween film and the first.
Event Horizon
Maybe Blade
30 Days of Night.
Terrified (Aterrados)
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
The Witch

Love horror scary movies, but my top there is "The Void", if you like The Thing, its heavily influenced by it but has such a bigger messed up tone to it with great practical effects.

I just watched the void off the back of this post... that was bloody awful :D

Definitely inspired by The Thing but it was just bloody daft the entire way through
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