What basic necessity are missing from your car!

17 Mar 2004
I went to get a coffee on the way down to Portsmouth at the weekend stopping at the services. I returned to my car (only had it a week), and realised that a 30k car new did not have any cupholders!

So what essential kit is missing from your cars?
merlin said:
Use the drawer tray as the cupholder - put cup in and side the drawer up to it.

I was a dunce last nite, I tried the new key went and got some beers, drove into the garrage, and tried to get the key out stuck cursing the dealers for a crap key. I sat there for ages turning the engine on moving the steering wheel, thinking the steering lock had busted/the key had a burr on it. Anyway just about to give up when I noticed that I had left the car in neutral (auto box) and not P for park. Key came out :p
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