What books and films do you remember watching during your school years?

17 Jan 2016
Valley of Jade
I've just come across the audio book of Adrian Mole. I think the book came out in 1981. There were a computer game on various systems. It was a new popular book in its day.

It reminds me of the old days when life was simpler.

It got me thinking of books and films I watched during that school period.

Books; Animal Farm, Of mice and men. A film I remember was Gregory's Girl.

Does anyone else remember what books and films you were watching thanks to your school lessons?
Books: There was a series of books about 3 coloured pirates and a Griffin. Read the whole series.
Enid Blyton stuff as well, mainly secret seven, famous five and some others I forgot!

Films: We once watched Never Ending story at school.

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Remember vividly reading Of Mice and Men for English in secondary school (I think!) and thoroughly loving it. Sadly that was the only book that ‘stuck’ with me from school. I do recall reading Conan the Barbarian when I was supposed to be reading some Latin guff during Latin lessons - yea I’m old enough that those were still a thing in my school days.
Remember vividly reading Of Mice and Men for English in secondary school (I think!) and thoroughly loving it. Sadly that was the only book that ‘stuck’ with me from school. I do recall reading Conan the Barbarian when I was supposed to be reading some Latin guff during Latin lessons - yea I’m old enough that those were still a thing in my school days.
We did Of Mice and Men, Journey's End that I remember, along with Romeo and Juliet.

The most memorable one we did though was Northern Lights. We read the first chapter maybe in class? Loved it so much that I went home and read the entire book before the next lesson :D
We did Of Mice and Men, Journey's End that I remember, along with Romeo and Juliet.

The most memorable one we did though was Northern Lights. We read the first chapter maybe in class? Loved it so much that I went home and read the entire book before the next lesson :D
Funny that was the same for me with Of Mice and Men. We read the first chapter in class - I’d it finished by the time the next class came round. Teacher thought he’d a studious bookworm on his hands….he was sorely mistaken :cry:
"The World at War" in history. So many emotions on this one.
"Othello" in English. Amongst various other Shakespeare pieces.
"Ullysees" by James Joyce, which I utterly hated.
"Lord Foul's Bane" as a free choice book in English. Loved it and read both trilogies in short order. Revisited them a few years ago and they're just awful now.
"Tithonus" by Keats. Has stuck with me through the last nearly 40 years.
Remember vividly reading Of Mice and Men for English in secondary school (I think!) and thoroughly loving it. Sadly that was the only book that ‘stuck’ with me from school. I do recall reading Conan the Barbarian when I was supposed to be reading some Latin guff during Latin lessons - yea I’m old enough that those were still a thing in my school days.
Caecilius goes to the forum and other childhood nightmares.
Movies/TV wise:

-Gregory's Girl - I've a soft spot for that movie for some reason.
-How We Used to Live
-Labyrinth (David Bowie) - for some reason the teachers liked this one.
-Some TV series or movie I can't remember the name of which involved a bunch of kids who dressed up in bin bags for some reason after their clothes got wet or something and some kid drowns in an overturned canoe? might be getting some stuff mixed up.
-Some show involving gremlins and stuff I have no idea of the name of now, a series of scary fairy tales.
-Several adaptions of Shakespeare
-Lord of the Flies


-Of Mice and Men - for some reason I hated it.
-Shakespeare in general
-Various Enid Blyton

A Christmas Carol both movie and book.

I can't remember anything else, we definitely didn't do many of the classics like Animal Farm.
At school our English teacher made us watch when the wind blows. Which kinda left is all stunned and confused.

Our history teach let us watch the untouchables lol. Every time there was swearing he'd boom out in his deep Welsh accent oh dear bad censorship I'm afraid, smiling lol.

We had some awesome teachers GCSE tbh.

Hobson's choice
Cider with Rosie
Romeo and Juliet
The machine gunners

Our English teacher honestly was so bloody good i had the same one for 5 years
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Gladiators, Fresh Prince, Friends, Buffy, Art Attack, The Simpsons, SM:TV, Live and Kicking, Zzzap, Pokemon, DBZ, lots of anime in general

Toy Story, various Jackie Chan films (Police Story, Wheels on Meals), Aladdin, The Little Mermaid (kind of second hand watching from my sister), Hercules, Transformers animated movie, Tobey Maguire Spider-Man films, Doraemon, Akira

Lots of manga (Parasyte, Initial D, GTO, Berserk), Horrible Sciences. The books weren't necessarily because of school. Just stuff I picked up. I don't recall what we read in class...maybe Romeo and Juliet and Lord of the Flies?
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